Fire / Rescue Operations
Fire/Rescue Operations consists of 45 Fire/EMS stations located within seven battalions each commanded by a Battalion Chief. Each battalion is made up of approximately five to seven fire stations.
The combination career/volunteer system used in the Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department has a corresponding, but slightly different rank structure on the volunteer side.
The 2 highest ranks on the volunteer side are Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief and Volunteer Division Chief. The County Fire Chief appoints each of the ranks. All other positions in the volunteer rank are normally selected by a popular vote on an annual basis by the membership of each corporation
Functions & Responsibilities
- Response to all emergencies and safely mitigates the emergency to protect life and property
- The development and implementation of standard operating procedures
- Standard operating procedures must also be developed and maintained for unusual fire and rescue situations
- Implementation of new and maintenance of existing personnel performance standards
- Meet with career and volunteer supervisors to determine optimum levels of performance
- Ensure career and volunteer personnel meet or exceed performance standards
- Review the annual merit ratings of Captains, Lieutenants, Technicians, Fire Fighters and Emergency Response Technicians
- Develop and supervise community related programs