Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Grievance Procedures
This grievance procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provisions of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the County Government. The Charter for Prince George’s County Maryland, Executive Order 61 - 1995 and Executive Order 15 - 2000 govern employment related complaints of disability discrimination.
Assistance for Americans with Disabilities
This website has been designed with consideration for those who use web accessibility assisting technology. If you are having difficulty accessing any file or page on this website due to difficulties with adaptive technologies, please contact us by dialing 311 for assistance so that your question can be researched.
ADA Coordinators
View a full list of Prince George's County Government ADA Coordinators.
Additional Resources
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