Community Services
Reentry Skills Program
The Reentry Skills Program focuses on providing returning citizens tools to be successful in the community including job readiness, financial literacy, and the National Institute of Corrections' cognitive-behavioral program, "Thinking For a Change."
Comprehensive Correctional Rehabilitation and Treatment (CCoRT) Program
The Comprehensive Correctional Rehabilitation and Treatment (CCoRT) Program, Phases I and II, gives offenders with a substance abuse history the opportunity to deal with the problem. While in jail, the offender participates in Phase I. This treatment addresses the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of addiction and recovery. Phase II takes place at the Day Reporting Center, where the released offender is given programming and supervision during his/her reintegration into the community.
Jail Based Drug Treatment Program
The Jail Based Drug Treatment Program provides short-term, intensive substance abuse treatment to both pretrial and short-term sentenced individuals. Through education and counseling, detainees participate in a six week long residential treatment protocol.
Community Service Program
The Community Service Program provides the courts with an alternative to traditional incarceration wherein minor offenses are sentenced to a given number of hours of service to the community. The program identifies locations for community service, enrolls offenders in the program, and monitors their compliance with the hours of service imposed by the courts.
Day Reporting Program
The Day Reporting Program, run in conjunction with the Maryland Division of Parole & Probation, provides state and county inmates with an intermediate sanction whereby they can live at home while reporting daily to the Day Reporting Center. The program provides counseling, training and supervision to assist offenders with successful reintegration into the community.