How Do I
How Do I
Submit important forms, apply for services, find locations, and contact officials and offices within Prince George's County.
Animal Licenses
A vital responsibility of the Animal Management Division (AMD) is to protect the public and animals in the County by ensuring that dogs, cats, and ferrets are appropriately licensed and inoculated against rabies. AMD also issues animal holding facility licenses for grooming establishments, boarding facilities, pet shops, and animal shows.
Emergency Rental Assistance
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) offers relief to landlords on behalf of renters and tenants experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Election Judge Positions
Know the qualifications and steps to apply to be an Election Judge.
Employment Opportunities
Locate your perfect job by searching through available employment opportunities.
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, County Council-designated grant funding for county non-profit organizations is allocated through 2 principal sources: non-departmental designated grants and special appropriation grants. The council also periodically awards grants associated with the Stadium Impact Area Mitigation Fund, as authorized by CR-87-2009.
Taxi Licensing
Taxicab Service in Prince George's County, Maryland, is available throughout Prince George's County and is provided by several licensed operators.
Business or Rental Licenses
Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement oversees the issuing of licenses to county businesses, while the Clerk of the Circuit Court provides business licensing services for the State of Maryland.
Trash, Recycling, and Bulky Trash Schedule
Due to expanded services, some pickup dates have been adjusted. We encourage you to use our handy lookup tool to verify if your home is serviced by the County. It will also show you your pickup days.
Cable Service Centers
Each cable franchise has offices at convenient locations within the County that are open during normal business hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions within Prince George's County.
Garages & Lots
Locate the various parking garages and commuter lots in the Prince George's County area.
Health Department Facilities
Find the locations of the Health Department headquarters and administrative offices, as well as the locations of our community services and clinical offices.
Law Library
The Law Library of the Circuit Court for Prince George's County provides public access to legal materials for attorneys and litigants.
Public Libraries
Visit the Prince George's County Memorial Library System website to find locations, events, services, catalog, online library, kids and teens, and about the Memorial Library System.
Public Records
Access to government records under the Maryland Public Information Act (FOIA).
Sign Up
Get involved! Sign up for volunteer opportunities throughout the county, the latest news, and youth programs.
Community Service Opportunities
The Community Outreach Promoting Empowerment Section (COPE) works to engage communities and individuals in restoration, promote sustainable solutions, and leverage community action.
Drain Stenciling Program
Please get involved! A storm drain stenciling project is a great way to spread the word throughout your community to take action to prevent water pollution and maintain a clean environment.
Neighborhood Cleanup Program
The Volunteer Neighborhood Cleanup Program is a community-sponsored volunteer program that enables the Department of the Environment to partner with civic and homeowner associations, local businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Family Services
Domestic Violence Assistance
The Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Supportive Services Division assists in coordinating services and programs for individuals impacted by domestic violence, human trafficking, or sexual assault.
Geographic Development Incentives
Both Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland offer development incentives whose eligibility is either wholly or partly dependent on a given project's location. The county has developed an online mapping tool to assist prospective developers in determining the eligibility of locations for certain incentives.
The Prince George’s County Youth@Work/Summer Youth Enrichment Program (SYEP) provides young people across the County with opportunities to participate in career development, life-skills training, and summer employment.
Email and Updates
Use Subscribe MyPGC to receive emails about news, events, newsletters, and more.
Pets & Animals
Animal Licensing Payments
Pay animal licensing fees for new or renewing licenses
Animal Management Citation Payments
Pay animal management citations.
Animal Shelter Donations
Donate to the Animal Shelters in Prince George's County.
Citations & Tickets
Administrative Citations
Inspections are conducted in response to property maintenance complaints. Should a violation be identified, a notice of violation or civil citation is then issued.
Parking Ticket Payments
Find out how to pay for your parking violation.
Services & Invoices
County Invoice Payments
Have you received an invoice from the County? Pay all accounts receivable invoices here (not for property taxes or purchase of licenses/permits).
Family Services Payments
Make payments to the Circuit Court for Family Services.
Permits & License Payments
Make online payments through the Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement portal page.
Property Tax Payments
Gather information and pay your property taxes online.
Public Safety Recording Request
Request an audio recording from the Public Safety Department.
Summer Youth Program Donations
Invest in our future. Donate to the summer youth programs.
Prince George's County 311 can help with most service types, from food safety violations to reporting abandoned vehicles. Use the PGC311 website or mobile app to submit requests 24/7.
9-1-1 Emergency Communications
We are an internationally accredited 9-1-1 center staffed with 197 civilian personnel working together as 9-1-1 call takers, law enforcement and fire/EMS dispatchers, trainers, supervisors, MPIA processors, career development coordinators, administrators, managers, technical staff, and radio communication specialists.
Behavioral & Mental Health Providers
The behavioral health of residents is a high priority in Prince George’s County. This listing of Behavioral and Mental Health Providers is designed to help you locate providers in your community that offer services that will help you, your family, and your community to become healthier and happier.
County Council
The county council has all legislative powers. It also serves as the District Council on zoning and land use matters and as the Board of Health on health policy matters.
County Departments/Personnel
Prince George's County is always working for you. Learn about how our many offices and departments can help meet your needs.
Fire/EMS Department
We promote safety and provide the highest quality fire prevention, fire protection, emergency medical services, and community outreach programs.
Materials Recycling Facility
We are a processing facility for single-stream collection, defined as placing all recyclable materials into one container/bin for curbside pick-up. Ours is a much more efficient and convenient collection method for County citizens and residents.
Police Department
We are the fourth largest law enforcement agency in Maryland, providing a full range of law enforcement services to County residents and business owners. Contact the offices of the Prince George's County Police Department.
Report a Problem
Prince George's County 311 can help with most service types, from food safety violations to reporting abandoned vehicles.
Use the PGC311 website or mobile app to submit requests 24/7.
Public Works & Transportation Service Requests
See something in your neighborhood or in the county that needs attention? Report issues such as down trees, potholes and dumped litter.
View a full list of Public Works and Transportation request options.
Report a Website Problem
If you have an issue with this website, use this form to report it.