Youth Employment and Internships

Youth@Work SYEP Logo


Prince George’s County is committed to a holistic approach, preparing and empowering our County’s youth to achieve their full potential into adulthood. In collaboration with local businesses, non-profits, community organizations, athletic and academic programs, we provide our young adults with well-rounded opportunities for growth.

The Youth@Work's goal is to successfully hire and place youth in viable positions and provide opportunities for participants to obtain developmental training that leads to permanent employment.

Summer Youth Enrichment Program

The Summer Youth Enrichment Program (SYEP) offers County youth and young adults ages 14 to 24 with enriching and constructive summer work experiences in community organizations, private sector companies, and government agencies.

  • Ages: 14-24

  • Timeframe: July - August 

  • APPLY NOW! Click "Learn More" to gain direct access to our program details from March 1-31.

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Youth@Work Internship Program

The Youth@Work Internship Program offers temporary and permanent opportunities for young adults ages 18 to 24 who participated in the Summer Youth Enrichment Program (SYEP). The internship extends employment opportunities to former SYEP participants to retain the best and brightest talent by filling staffing gaps in entry-level positions.

  • Ages: 18-24

  • Timeframe: October - April

  • Requirement: Prior participant in SYEP 

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Youth@Work Job Readiness Training

The Youth@Work Job Readiness Training opportunities are designed to equip youth with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed and advance in the workplace. 

  • Ages: 14-24 (Eligibility for each opportunity may vary)
  • Timeframe: This is a periodic, recurring opportunity with openings at various times throughout the year

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