Agency Training Support
Contact the Learning and Development Team
OHRM Learning, Performance, and Organizational Development (LPOD) Division
1400 McCormick Drive, Suite 125
Largo, MD 20774
301-883-6396, Option 2
Contact Your Training Coordinator
Training Coordinators support County employees by strategically supporting employee development and performance through by offering various training supports. Contract your Agency Training Coordinator if you have questions regarding learning and development. The following is a list of all Training Coordinators by department.
First Name | Last Name | Agency | |
Phyllis | Edney | Board of Elections | SASatterfield@co.pg.md.us |
Antoinette | Thorpe | Board of Elections | AThorpe@co.pg.md.us |
LaCresha | Buchanan | Circuit Court | lrbuchanan@co.pg.md.us |
LaTisha | Sandidge-Harrell | Circuit Court | Lsharrell@co.pg.md.us |
Anchula | George | County Council | ASGeorge@co.pg.md.us |
Deborrah | Banks | Department of Corrections | dmbanks1@co.pg.md.us |
Lee | Maximay | Department of Corrections | lmaximay@co.pg.md.us |
Janeen | Warner | Department of Family Services | JDWARNER@CO.PG.MD.US |
Shalita | Fleming (Wells) | Department of Health | srfleming@co.pg.md.us |
Niketta | Adams | Department of Health | nadams@co.pg.md.us |
Sonia | Johnson | Department of Health | smjohnson3@co.pg.md.us |
Deborah | Jones | Department of Housing and Community Development | dtjones@co.pg.md.us |
Cynthia | Simms | Department of Housing and Community Development | clsimms@co.pg.md.us |
Thelia | Jones | Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement | tdjones@co.pg.md.us |
Tiffany | McNeal | Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement | tsmcneal@co.pg.md.us |
Roxanne | Rush | Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement | RRush@co.pg.md.us |
Jessica | Bell | Department of Public Works and Transportation | jbell@co.pg.md.us |
Tasha | Brooks-Thornton | Department of Public Works and Transportation | tmbrooksthornton@co.pg.md.us |
Jemahl | Nixon | Department of Public Works and Transportation | JLNixon@co.pg.md.us |
Marcedis | Logan | Department of Public Works and Transportation | mllogan@co.pg.md.us |
Sandra | Brown | Department of Social Services | Sandra.brown@maryland.gov |
Twala | Massenburg | Department of Social Services | Twala.massenburg@maryland.gov |
Lorraine | Jones-Wardlaw | Department of the Environment | LJWardlaw@co.pg.md.us |
Connie | Heggs | Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department | CLHeggs@co.pg.md.us |
Sandra | Powell | Human Relations Commission | Sepowell@co.pg.md.us |
Takayo | O’Bannon | Office of Central Services | tobannon@co.pg.md.us |
Natalie | Wallace | Office of Central Services | ncwallace@co.pg.md.us |
Sherry | White-Talbert | Office of Community Relations | swtalbert@co.pg.md.us |
Charice | Young | Office of Community Relations | cnyoung@co.pg.md.us |
Jasmine | Carter | Office of Ethics and Accountability | jscarter@co.pg.md.us |
Roslyn | Walker | Office of Ethics and Accountability | rwalker@co.pg.md.us |
Darrell | Bowie | Office of Finance | DEBowie@co.pg.md.us |
Ada | Brazelton | Office of Finance | aabrazelton@co.pg.md.us |
Jaclin | Warner-Wiggins | Office of Finance | JWWiggins@co.pg.md.us |
Arthur (Chuck) | Emery | Office of Homeland Security | acemery@co.pg.md.us |
Russell | Lancaster | Office of Homeland Security | ralancaster@co.pg.md.us |
Kate | Pina | Office of Human Resources Management | KEPina@co.pg.md.us |
Heidi | Coffey | Office of Information Technology | HLCoffey@co.pg.md.us |
Maria | Johnson | Office of Information Technology | MDJohnson@co.pg.md.us |
Sandra | Longs-Hasty | Office of Information Technology | SELongs@co.pg.md.us |
Tina | Peters | Office of Law | tnpeters@co.pg.md.us |
Belinda | Moore | Office of Management and Budget | BMoore@co.pg.md.us |
India | King-Hamilton | Office of the County Executive | IMHamilton@co.pg.md.us |
Adrian | Curtis | Office of the Sheriff | ajcurtis@co.pg.md.us |
Debra | Arrington | Office of the State's Attorney | dsarrington@co.pg.md.us |
Darnesha | Harris | Office of the State's Attorney | dcharris@co.pg.md.us |
Jennifer | Riedel | Orphan’s Court | jtriedel@co.pg.md.us |
Carol | Rubino | Personnel Board | carubino@co.pg.md.us |
Anthony | Bryant | Police Department | acbryant@co.pg.md.us |
Brendan | Gill | Police Department | BPGill@co.pg.md.us |
Erica | Johnson | Police Department | eljohnson@co.pg.md.us |
Alan | Lee | Police Department | AJLee@co.pg.md.us |
Brendan | Boettinger | Police Department | bwboettinger@co.pg.md.us |
Nicholas | Fiore | Police Department | NTFIORE@CO.PG.MD.US |
Christal | Ogene | Police Accountabilty | ccogene@co.pg.md.us |
Lakeisha | Smith | Redevelopment Authority | LDSmith@co.pg.md.us |
Terry | Hampton | Soil Conservation | tahampton@co.pg.md.us |
Alana | Speed-Harris | Department of Housing and Community Development | atspeed-harris@co.pg.md.us |
Kimberly | Summers | Soil Conservation | kmsummers@co.pg.md.us |