SAP Finance Trainings
The Office of Finance requires any employee who requires access to the County's SAP Finance System to first complete mandatory online trainings in the County Learning Management System (LMS).
Training Overview
The three required trainings cover principles and processes for navigating the County's financial and accounting procedures in SAP.
Training Instructions
Guidance on how to log in to the County LMS and complete online training courses can be found online here.
If you have questions about... |
Please contact... |
Performing transactions in the Accounts Payable module | Accounts Payable | pgcap@co.pg.md.us |
Performing transactions in the Cash Management module | Dejuan Shambley | DDShambley@co.pg.md.us Teresa Hayward | TAHayward@co.pg.md.us |
Performing transactions in the General Ledger | Deborah Beatrice | DABeatrice@co.pg.md.us Karen Gainey | KCGainey@co.pg.md.us |
Accessing or completing the training within the LMS | OHRM Learning, Performance, and Organizational Development (LPOD) |