Leave Management
Prior Service Credit
Per Administrative Procedure 215, an employee may request prior service credit for the purpose of determining annual leave accrual within one (1) year from date of return.
An employee who has previously worked for the County Government may be granted prior service credit as follows:
- for time in exempt employee status (temporary, provisional, emergency, limited term appointment);
- previous County service (classified or exempt); and
- or in an agency that was substantially funded or wholly funded by the County. Agencies funded by the County include, but are not limited to, the Board of Education (BOE), Memorial Library System, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC), Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), Prince George's County Hospital (1/1/66 through 7/1/83 only), and Prince George's Community College. Please reference Section 3 for the most recent list of Prince George’s County-funded agencies.
Prior Service Credit will not be issued for employees that the following criteria apply to:
- Previous service in a Prince George’s County Government Limited Term Grant Funded position.
- Any months that the employee receives a retirement payment.
- Any employee that was terminated for cause.
Employees must submit written verification for any service outside of Prince George’s County Government to receive credit upon verification by Core HR.
Additional Resources
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
Military Leave Supplemental Pay
Through Council Legislation the County Executive has authorized Director of Human Resources Management of Prince George’s County to continue to provide a salary supplement and eligibility for the continuation of health benefits for County employees who are ordered to active duty in the National Guard of the United States or the Reserves because of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the resultant war on terrorism or other military action.
Payment of a salary supplement equal to the difference between the employee’s base rate of pay and the employee’s base military rate of pay, with the exhaustion of the employee’s annual, personal, and compensatory leave balances. Eligibility for health care benefits to continue once the employee enters a leave without pay status with both the employer and the employee contributions of the premium being paid by the County.
Requests for applying for Prince George’s County Government military supplemental pay is either by e-mail or telephone. All departments are responsible for directing the employee(s) to the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) for completion of pertinent documentation.
The Agency Human Resources Liaison is responsible for ensuring employee notification of the final decision on Military Supplemental Pay Requests and serving as a liaison with Agency employees to ensure all needed information is submitted for processing by Core HR.
When the employee returns from Active Duty, the employee must notify their Agency HRL of their return.
Additional Resources
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
Incentive Awards
The Prince George’s County Government Employee Incentive Award Program allows Appointing Authorities to recognize permanent, classified employees within their jurisdiction who demonstrate outstanding professionalism and make significant contributions to the County. Throughout the year, the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) receives these award nominations and processes them accordingly.
To ensure employees are promptly recognized for their performance under Administrative Procedure (AP) 216 – Employee Incentive Awards Program, each agency must enter eligible Employee Incentive/Monetary Awards into the Agency HR Liaison Incentive Awards SharePoint site. The site has been updated to include the addition of the Monetary Award and additional needed information.
Awards must be submitted on the SharePoint site 10 business days before the pay date the award is being issued on.
The types of Incentive Awards that can be granted to employees under AP 216 include:
- Annual Leave Awards – Exemplary Performance Award can be granted, at the sole discretion of the appointing authority, to an employee who consistently receives performance appraisals that exceed a satisfactory rating.
- Special Achievement – This award can be granted to an employee who has contributed extraordinary effort to an agency's mission, either by the special achievement of a specific task beyond an employee's performance expectations or by the sustained performance at a level determined by the Appointing Authority to be "beyond the call of duty." An employee can earn up to five (5) days of Annual Leave and can be entered on the HR Liaison Incentive Award site. A Quick Reference Guide has been attached to the memo as guidance for Leave/Monetary Awards on the SharePoint Site.
- One-Time Monetary Bonus – This award can be given to an employee in lieu of an Exemplary Performance or Special Achievement Awards if you wish to recognize the employee with this type of award as outlined on AP 216.
Upon submission, OHRM will review and process completed requests five (5) business days before the pay date the award is being issued to allow time for processing. As a reminder, when nominating an employee for an incentive award or monetary award, please refer to AP 216 for eligibility criteria before entering and submitting any nomination forms. Agencies must adhere to the guidelines outlined in AP 216, as awards will not be granted to recipients who do not meet all the eligibility requirements.
Additional Resources
- Award Nomination Fillable Form
- How to Process Employee Incentive Awards
- Incentive Awards Processing Schedule
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.