FY 2024 Pilot Employee Performance Management Program
The FY 2023 pilot program, outlined under Administrative Procedure (AP) 217-A, introduces several updates and improvements based on employee feedback. See below for links to the policy and policy attachment:
The below table outlines the differences between the current employee performance management process (AP 217) and the pilot program process (AP 217-A).
Category | Prior Process (AP 217) | New Process for General Schedule Employees in Executive Branch (AP 217-A) |
Coverage | Applies to all County employees | Applies to classified service, general schedule employees in Executive Branch, in preparation for new FY24 Countywide process; AP 217 remains in effect for all other employees. |
Timeline | Covers the year from an employee’s anniversary date | Follows the County Government fiscal year (July to June) |
Process | Requires the use of paper forms or PDFs | Takes place completely online in NEOGOV Perform system |
Agency Performance Managers | Agency Human Resources Liaisons support and access Agency employee performance management information | Introduces Agency Performance Manager role for Agency senior leader or HR employee designated by Appointing Authority for administrative access to Agency employee data in online system |
Evaluation Types | Requires different evaluation forms for probationary, transfer, promoted, and demoted employees | Implements semiannual performance evaluations at midpoint and end of fiscal year using one consistent evaluation form; expands guidance for transfer performance evaluations |
Performance Goals | Uses position description to define performance goals | Requires that supervisors set employee performance goals based on Agency and County priorities |
Competencies | Does not use competencies to evaluate employee performance | Introduces consistent set of employee and supervisor competencies to guide performance |
Rating Scale | Uses five-point scale aligned around satisfactoriness of performance | Revises to four-point scale to reflect more clear and objective language around performance expectations |
Performance Rewards & Actions | Outlines performance rewards, including pay increases and annual leave awards, based on overall evaluation rating | Revises performance rewards and actions based on revised rating scale; pay increases are granted on an annual basis based on the County Government fiscal year |
Development Plans | Includes follow-up appraisal for an employee whose rating is "needs improvement" | Introduces development plans as a tool to support employees in improving performance if it is rated as below meets expectations |
Supervisor Merit Increases | No current guidance on supervisor merit increases based on completion of employee evaluations | Adds guidance that supervisors who do not complete employee evaluations will not be eligible for a pay increase |
Overview of Employee Performance Management Process
The pilot program’s employee performance management process takes place in three phases:

The performance evaluation cycle will follow the County’s fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) to create a consistent experience for everyone taking part in the process.
Each phase of the employee performance management process takes place twice per fiscal year:

Employee Performance Management Schedule
The below table outlines the timeline of actions for the FY 2023 performance evaluation cycle.
The online system will send email notifications and reminders for each action.
Timeframe | Milestone | Action in NEOGOV (NEOGOV online system will send notifications and reminders for each action) |
July 1 – 30, 2022 | Establish Performance Plans (Required) |
October 1 – December 15, 2022 | Complete Midpoint Evaluations (Required) |
January 1 – 31, 2023 | Revise or Confirm Performance Plans (Required) |
April 1 – June 15, 2023 | Complete Annual Evaluations (Required) |
Online System
The employee performance management process will take place in the NEOGOV online system.
County employees can access NEOGOV by using their County email address and password to log in
by clicking this Single Sign-On link.

Training & Resources
To ensure that employees are prepared for the new employee performance management process, OHRM has developed several resources on the employee performance management policy, process, and online system:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Online System Guide
Includes instructions on how to complete goal-setting and other performance management processes in the online system - On-Demand Training - Complete at any time
Please note that you must be logged into the County LMS before accessing the link above. - FY2023 Pilot Employee Performance Management Program website
- FY2023 Priorities Recording
- 2019 Year In Review
- FY2022 Approved Operation Budget (Appendix B)
- FY2023 Budget in Brief
On-Demand Training
Log into the County LMS with your County email and password online here to access the listed on-demand training at any time.
Live Trainings
Note: To make the most of your training experience, consider completing the above online trainings before attending one of the live virtual sessions below.
Log into the County LMS with your County email and password online here to register for one of the below-scheduled sessions.
- Employee Performance Management Overview Lunch & Learn (AP 217-A Pilot Program)
- Setting Employee Performance Goals (AP 217-A Pilot Program)
Note: Registration for this 90-minute training requires supervisor approval in the County LMS. Supervisors can review and approve registration requests by following the steps in this instruction guide from the County LMS website.
If you have questions about the FY 2023 pilot employee performance management process, please email your Agency Performance Manager(s) (listed below).
Agency | Agency Performance Manager | Email Address |
Board of Elections | Alisha L. Alexander | alalexander@co.pg.md.us |
Board of Elections | Antoinette Thorpe | athorpe@co.pg.md.us |
Board of Elections | Daneen M. Banks | dmbanks@co.pg.md.us |
Board of License Commissioners | Leonard Vauss | lvauss@co.pg.md.us |
Board of License Commissioners | Patricia Bell | plbell1@co.pg.md.us |
Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel | Laurinda Hall | ldhall@co.pg.md.us |
Community Relations (OCR) | Ameria Williams | apwilliams@co.pg.md.us |
Community Relations (OCR) | Charice Young | cnyoung@co.pg.md.us |
Community Relations (OCR) | Courtney Mariette | cemariette@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Corrections (DOC) | Alecia Creighton | acreighton@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Corrections (DOC) | Cheryl Jones-McCottry | cyjones-mccottry@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Corrections (DOC) | Gregory Smith | gksmith@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Environment (DOE) | Gabriel McConnell | gmcconnell@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Environment (DOE) | Rushane Jones | rmjones1@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Family Services (DFS) | Elana Belon-Butler | etbutler@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) | Cynthia L. Simms | clsimms@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) | Tamika C. Gauvin | tcgauvin@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Permitting & Inspections (DPIE) | Thelia Jones | tdjones@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Social Services (DSS) | Jamie E. Dixon | jedixon@co.pg.md.us |
Department of Social Services (DSS) | Victor T. Johnson | vjohnson@co.pg.md.us |
Fire/EMS | Yolonda Smedley | yesmedley@co.pg.md.us |
Health Department (HD) | Shalita Fleming | srfleming@co.pg.md.us |
Health Department (HD) | Sonia Johnson | smjohnson3@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Central Services (OCS) | Natalie Wallace | ncwallace@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Central Services (OCS) | Takayo O'Bannon | tobannon@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Central Services (OCS) | Vanessa Hood | vrhood@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Ethics & Accountability (OEA) | Robin Barnes-Shell | rbshell@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Ethics & Accountability (OEA) | Roslyn Walker | rwalker@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Finance | Jaclin Warner Wiggins | jwwiggins@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Finance | Keya Jackson | kmjackson1@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Homeland Security (OHS) | Alexandra D. Harris | adharris@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Homeland Security (OHS) | Kelly Marshall | kamarshall@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Homeland Security (OHS) | Michael A. Jackson | majackson@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) | Kameron Coefield | kcoefield@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Human Rights | Jose Villegas | jvillegas@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Human Rights | Sandra Powell | sepowell@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Information Technology (OIT) | Heidi L. Coffey | hlcoffey@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Information Technology (OIT) | Leslie J. Mullen | ljmullen@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Information Technology (OIT) | Shelby A. Henderson | sahenderson@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Law (OOL) | Diana Osgood | daosgood@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Law (OOL) | Tina Peters | tnpeters@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Management & Budget (OMB) | Amber Hendricks | ahendricks@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Management & Budget (OMB) | Belinda Moore | bmoore@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Management & Budget (OMB) | Brent Johnson | bejohnson@co.pg.md.us |
Office of Management & Budget (OMB) | DeAnna Baker-Mims | dmbaker-mims@co.pg.md.us |
Office of the County Executive | Calisa Smith | cmsmith1@co.pg.md.us |
Personnel Board | Janet Lindsey | jmlindsey@co.pg.md.us |
Police | Kelly M. Meyers | kmmeyers@co.pg.md.us |
Police | Melissa Gaines | mwgaines@co.pg.md.us |
Police | Susan Smith | ssmith@co.pg.md.us |
Public Works & Transportation (DPWT) | Eboni Gatewood-Crenshaw | egatewoodcrenshaw@co.pg.md.us |
Public Works & Transportation (DPWT) | Tasha Brooks-Thornton | tmbrooksthornton@co.pg.md.us |
Sheriff’s Department | Jasmine K. Daniels | jkdaniels@co.pg.md.us |
Sheriff’s Department | Mark J. Roccapriore | mjroccapriore@co.pg.md.us |
Sheriff’s Department | Monica Andrews | mljackson@co.pg.md.us |
Sheriff’s Department | Ricardo A. Jaimez | rajaimez@co.pg.md.us |
Soil Conservation District | Kimberly Summers | kmsummers@co.pg.md.us |
Soil Conservation District | Terry Hampton | tahampton@co.pg.md.us |
If you need additional support, please email the OHRM Learning, Performance & Organizational Development (LPOD) Division at EmployeePerformance@co.pg.md.us.