Life and Disability Insurance

Basic Life Insurance


Basic life insurance coverage is administered through MetLife at no cost to you for basic life insurance 2x your base salary (up to $225,000 based on your salary schedule)—for all benefit eligible employees:


  • Coverage is effective on the date of hire.
  • The coverage amount automatically increases or decreases when you have a change in base salary.


Please note employer-paid coverage amounts over $50,000 are subject to imputed income.



Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance


Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance is administered through MetLife at no cost to you. You are automatically enrolled in AD&D coverage on your date of hire, to a maximum benefit of:

  • $10,000 for all other Employee groups
  • $30,000 for Sheriff's Civilians
  • $50,000 for Police Officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Correctional Officers, Firefighters, Paramedics, and Emergency Response Technicians 


This benefit is payable for death or personal loss caused by an accident on or off the job.


Salary Schedule

Employee Group


Coverage Type

Schedule of Benefits


Schedule D:



Correctional Officer AD&D Employer Paid $50,000 Cert 30
Schedule X Crossing Guards AD&D Employer Paid $10,000 Cert 31

Schedule E:



Schedule G General Schedule:




Schedule GEX:

County Executive,

Chief Administrative   Officer,

Immediate staff of the County Executive, 

head of each County agency,

Council Member,

Council Administrator, 

County auditor and aide to each council members



Schedule E:

Exempt Employees

Schedule G:

Schedule Employees 


Schedule GEX

AD&D Employer Paid $10,000 Cert 28

Schedule A, P, Q: 



Schedule A: 

AFSCME Employees

Schedule P:

Police Civilians Salary

Schedule Q:

Corrections Civilians Salary

AD&D Employer Paid $10,000 Cert 29

Schedule Z:  



Schedule Z:

Sheriff's Civilians 

AD&D Employer Paid $30,000 Cert 34

Schedule H:



Fire Civilian AD&D Employer Paid $10,000 Cert 32

Schedule Y:



Firefighters, Emergency Response Technicians, and Paramedics AD&D Employer Paid $50,000 Cert 33

Schedule L and W:



Police Officers and Deputy Sheriffs AD&D Employer Paid $50,000 Cert 27



Supplemental Life Insurance (SLI)


This benefit applies only to police officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency response technicians, and deputy sheriffs. SLI is administered by MetLife and is equal to fifty (50) times the monthly salary with a maximum benefit of $600,000.


Salary Schedule

Employee Group


Coverage Type

Schedule of Benefits

Max Benefit


Schedule Y:



Firefighters, Emergency Response Technicians ,and Paramedics Supplemental Employer Paid 50x Monthly Earnings $600,000 Cert 33

Schedule L and W:



Police Officers and Deputy Sheriffs Supplemental Employer Paid 50x Monthly Earnings $600,000 Cert 27

Extra Life Insurance (XLI)


Administered though MetLife, employees have the option of electing extra life insurance. You pay 100% of the cost of optional life insurance. You may purchase between one and four times your base pay in XLI up to $600,000 ($800,000 for Salary Schedule H – Fire Civilians).


Premiums for Extra Life Insurance are based on your salary and age as of December 31, 2022.


Age Category Monthly Factor per $1000*
Under age 25 $0.055
Age 25 to 29 $0.066
Age 30 to 34 $0.088
Age 35 to 39 $0.099
Age 40 to 44 $0.0110
Age 45 to 49 $0.165
Age 50 to 54 $0.254
Age 55 to 59 $0.474
Age 60 to 64 $0.728
Age 65 to 69 $1.400
Age 70 and over $2.271


Instructions for Calculating Monthly Premium: 


Multiply your annual base salary by your XLI election (your choice being 1, 2, 3 or 4 times your base salary) ; round to the nearest $1,000. Divide by 1,000. Use this number to multiply the month factor for your age category. This will provide the monthly cost of your XLI.


MetLife Advantages available only with Extra Life Insurance:  
  • Will Preparation Services (through MetLife Legal Plans) and 
  • Estate Resolution Services (through MetLife Legal Plans)


Forms and Notices - Extra Life Insurance:



Long-term Disability (LTD)


All benefits-eligible employees may enroll in the Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance Program administered by MetLife. Long-term disability insurance provides income replacement that may be used in conjunction with your annual or sick leave.


Available coverage options:
  • 50% of your pre-disability monthly earnings up to a $3,000 monthly maximum or
  • 60% of your pre-disability monthly earnings up to a $5,000 monthly maximum
  • Elimination period: the greater of 26 weeks or STD max benefit


LTD Resources:



Benefits will not be paid for the following:

  • War, whether declared or undeclared, or act of war, insurrection, rebellion or terrorist act.
  • Active participation in a riot.
  • Intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide.
  • Commission of or attempt to commit a felony.
  • Pre-existing conditions; means a Sickness or accidental injury for which You: 
    • Took prescription medication or had medications prescribed; in the 3 months before Your insurance under MetLife takes effect.  
    • Received medical treatment, consultation, care, or services; or 
    • A Pre-existing Condition does not include a condition admitted in the application unless such condition is excluded by a signed waiver rider. 
  • We will not pay benefits, or any increase in benefit amount, for a Disability that results from a Pre-existing Condition, if the Disability begins prior to the earliest of: 
    • the date You have not received medical treatment, consultation or services for the Pre-existing Condition for a period of 3 consecutive months after the date insurance under this certificate takes effect; or 
    • If You were not required to give evidence of insurability when You enrolled for the insurance under this certificate, the date 12 months from the date such insurance takes effect; or 
    • If You were required to give evidence of insurability when You enrolled for the insurance under this certificate, the date 12 months from the date such insurance takes effect. 


LTD Rate Calculation Examples
Category per $100 of Covered Monthly Payroll
LTDL Non-Public Safety 50% Plan  $0.200
LTD: Non-Public Safety 60% Plan  $0.394
LTD: Public Safety 50% Plan $0.253
LTD: Public Safety 60% Plan $0.498

Please note the difference in rates for non-public safety vs public safety.


LTD Example #1:


  • Non-public safety 50%
  • Annual earnings: $55,026
  • Determine monthly earnings, divide annual earnings by 12; $55,026/12 = $4,585.50
    Monthly earnings value per $100; $4,585/100 = $45.86
    Multiply by rate to determine monthly premium; $45.86 x 0.200 = $9.17 


LTD Example #2:


  • Public Safety 60%
  • Annual earnings: $75,000
  • Determine monthly earnings, divide annual earnings by 12; $123,948/12 = $6,250
    Monthly earnings value per $100; $6,250/100 = $62.50
    Multiply by rate to determine monthly premium; $62.50 x 0.498 = $31.13


Contact MetLife:


Customer Service: 1-833-622-0135


Contact MetLife:


Customer Service: 1-833-622-0135
