HR Community Resources
The Human Resources Community offers a variety of helpful information to assist members navigate through the various human resources functions.
HR Community Teams Channel
HR Community Training
HRL SAP Training
In order to gain administrative access to SAP, Agency Human Resources Liaisons (HRLs) must complete an online training course in the County Learning Management System (LMS).
A recording of a recent Agency HRL SAP training has been added to the County LMS and assigned to all HRLs to complete.
To access the LMS and training course:
- Log in to PGCG NEOGOV SSO Link using the HRLs assigned County email address and password
- Access the Course by clicking on the online course link to navigate directly to the course (please note that you must be logged in using SSO to access the course).
As part of the course, there is also a PDF slide deck that can be downloaded for future reference with guidance on how to complete key functions in SAP.
Upon completion, the HRL must work with the Agency IT coordinator to provide a copy of the training certificate from the LMS and submit a ticket to OIT to grant you SAP access.
Guidance on how to download a copy of the certification can be found on the OHRM County LMS webpage.
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
NEOGOV Onboard User Training
In order to gain admin access to NEOGOV Onboard training must be completed.
To gain access the following steps must be completed:
- Review the training video online here
- Submit a signed Acknowledgement Form to CoreHR@co.pg.md.us
Upon completion of the training, administrative access to the site will be granted by Core HR.
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
Quick Reference Guides
OHRM has created Quick Reference Guides that provide critical information on common HR actions. Each document provides a quick overview and context to each topic.
How to...
- Complete a Hire Action in NEOGOV & SAP
- Display/Change Cost Centers on Positions
- Post a Job
- Print a Personnel Information Document (PID)
- Process Employee Incentive Awards
- Request Human Capital Management (HCM) Access
- Update Additional Personal Data (Info Type 0077) in SAP