Salary Adjustment Processing
A Salary Adjustment is an increase or decrease in an employee's salary or wage that can be influenced by external or internal factors.
Request for Detail & Acting Pay
The Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) is committed to implementing an efficient detail request process. Ensuring adherence to the process as outlined in Administrative Procedure 212 will help the County provide continued service in the event of an emergency situation or to accommodate and employee’s temporary disability.
What is a detail?
As defined, in Administrative Procedure 212 a detail means the temporary assignment to an employee all or part of the duties, tasks and responsibilities of another position to meet an emergency situation, for purposes of training, or to accommodate an employee's temporary disability.
- Intradepartmental details are details whereby an Appointing Authority may temporarily assign all or part of the duties, tasks and responsibilities of any position under the Appointing Authority's jurisdiction for a period not to exceed ninety (90) consecutive calendar days.
- Unless otherwise determined by the provisions of an applicable collective bargaining agreement, the initial detail is not to exceed ninety (90) consecutive calendar days.
- Approval may be granted by an Appointing Authority to extend an intradepartmental detail, when circumstances require and based upon a demonstrated need of the agency, for an additional sixty (60) consecutive calendar days.
- An intradepartmental detail, shall in no event, exceed one hundred fifty consecutive (150) calendar days.
Requirements for Submitting a Request for Detail
A Request for Detail package must be approved in advance of the employee acting in the position and must be submitted at least ten (10) business days in advance of the planned start date with the following documentation assembled in one PDF document in the order listed below via email to CoreHR@co.pg.md.us:
- Cover Memo from the Appointing Authority
- Detail Request Form (if an extension, include the original approved request)
- County Employment Application (accessible via NEOGOV or the County Application)
- Position Description – Form 544
- Certificate of Minimum Qualifications (applicable if the employee is in a G29 position or above or is acting in a role for more than 90 days) must be received from Recruitment and included in the request package prior to submitting to Core HR.
Upon approval, Core HR processes the change in SAP. In order to receive payment, the employee will be required to enter the code Acting Pay - 1715 on their timesheet. If hours are not coded properly, this will result in the Agency HRL having to submit a Timesheet Adjustment Form to their designated payroll coordinator.
Additional Resources
For additional assistance, contact CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
Salary Adjustments
In accordance with AP122-Position Review Board, the following procedures apply to the submission, approval, and communication of PRB requests:
A Salary Adjustment Request must be submitted to OHRM must be submitted to OHRM and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), by the 10th of the month, to be considered by the board. Items received after this date will be held until the next meeting of the PRB.
The following documents must be submitted with the request:
- Request for Salary Adjustment Form
- Organizational Chart- identifying the employees within the organization
- Current Position Description
- Salary Comparisons of Employees within the Agency, Division, Section or Unit that supports the justification of the request; and
- Any documentation needed to support the request
The following steps are recommended for Agencies to assist in ensuring timely and positive decision from the PRB review:
- Ensure that all signatures are provided on required memorandums and forms.
- Ensure that all required back-up documents are included in the review package
- When calculating salary adjustment amounts, ensure that upcoming merit and cola increases are included for all employees included in the analysis.
Please Note:
- Omitting merit and cost of living adjustments may result in modified adjustment amounts approved by the PRB.
OHRM will only process the amounts approved by PRB. - Reconsideration for approved changes should be resubmitted for further consideration. Submit all complete packages to OHRM and OMB at least one week before the monthly cutoff to ensure adequate time for OHRM and OMB review and validation.
Salary Adjustments - Next Steps
OHRM and the Office of Management and Budget are actively working to revise the current procedure to streamline the process for agencies. However, in the interim, please use the above instructions to ensure a timely review.
For Salary Adjustment submission requirements and validation questions: OHRMClassification@co.pg.md.us.
For Salary Adjustment processing questions: CoreHR@co.pg.md.us.
Merit Processing
Core HR processed merit increases for employees according to the Fiscal Year Salary Schedule Legislation.
The processing of merit increases for FY23 is conducted when the pay period closes and is reflected on the following pay statement.