Retiree Benefits

Every day you do your part to serve the citizens of Prince George’s County. By developing innovative policies and programs, protecting people, and implementing solutions that shape our community, you continue to deliver on our Proud Priorities: healthy communities; safe neighborhoods; economic development; quality of life; youth development, and education. Together, we continue to make progress to achieve Proud Results for our citizens.

We encourage our retirees to review benefits and get the latest updates on a Brand New Page focused on Retiree Benefits.



You are eligible for the benefits described in this guide if you are a Prince George’s County Government Retiree and have maintained continuous enrollment in County benefits.

Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) and vested retirees are not eligible for County sponsored health coverage nor Life Insurance. A vested benefit refers to a benefit that is not payable at the times of separation from employment, but is deferred until the former member reaches normal retirement age. To qualify for this deferred vested benefit, you must not withdraw your contributions.

You may enroll your eligible dependents in the same plans you choose for yourself. You must submit documentation to verify their eligibility see Dependent Verification. Coverage for your eligible children will end the last day of the month in which they turn age 26.


Disabled Dependents

Disabled Dependents Children who are physically or mentally incapable of self support as determined by medical certification continue on your County coverage beyond the normal age limit if the disability continues and the child remains unmarried. You may be asked to provide certification of your child’s disability every two to three years. Documentation must be on file prior to the child reaching age 26.


Ineligible Dependents

Ineligible Dependents Dependent children over the age of 26 (unless disabled), dependent children for whom you do not have guardianship or legal custody, common law spouses, or ex-spouses that have not been removed from the plan are not eligible for coverage.


Eligible Dependents

Eligible dependents include:

  • Your lawful spouse, as defined by the Federal Government; and
  • Children and stepchildren under the age of 26*.


Verifying Dependents

If you want to add dependent(s) to your coverage, you must provide documentation to verify their eligibility as outlined in the chart below. 


Dependent Type Required Documentation
  • Government issued Marriage Certificate, AND
  • Current proof of Joint Ownership*. If married in the past 12 months, only Government issued Marriage Certificate is required. Note: Submit a copy of Medicare card if your spouse is enrolled in Medicare.
Newborn Biological Child    
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names, AND
  • Social Security Card. 
    Note: Birth Registration Notices are not accepted as dependent documentation
Biological Child    
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names
Adopted Child    
  • Amended Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names or Adoption Certificate or Placement Agreement AND 
  • Social Security Card
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ name, AND
  • Government issued Marriage Certificate
Legal Ward
  • Government issued Birth Certificate, Court Ordered Document of Guardianship, AND
  • Social Security Card.
Disabled Child    
  • Documentation listed above AND
  • Federal Tax Return within last 2 years claiming the child. Note: Disabled Adopted Children cannot verify with a placement agreement or petition.
Children who are the subjects of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)    
  • Qualified Medical Child Support Order  required. This order creates the right of the children to receive health insurance benefits under an employee or retiree’s coverage.

* Standard Proof of Joint Ownership includes:

  • Mortgage Statement
  • Bank Statement (bank account verification letter showing active status)
  • Active lease agreement
  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Renters Insurance 
  • State tax return (within 1 year)
  • Credit Card statement (includes department stores, and care credit)
  • Property Tax
  • Current-year state tax return listing spouse/partner 
  • Current-year mortgage interest/mortgage insurance 
  • Warranty deed
  • Auto loans 
  • Current-year federal tax return listing the spouse 


All required documentation must be submitted to the OHRM Benefits Division.

  • Email: 
  • Fax: 301-883-6192
  • Mail or hand-deliver: 1400 McCormick Drive, Suite 110, Largo, MD 20774 



Eligible retirees are not held to an Open Enrollment period for benefits and may make changes to their benefits selections at any time. To enroll in or make a change to your current retiree benefit elections, please complete and submit the Enrollment Change Form along with required documentation if adding dependent(s) to coverage to OHRM Benefits Division. 



You and/or your eligible dependent must enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B when you first become eligible. This also applies to individuals who are eligible to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration.

Coverage provided through the County for Medicare eligible participants supplements Medicare Part A and Part B. You must elect one of the County’s supplemental medical plans:

  • Kaiser Medicare HMO Plan
  • Cigna Open Access Plus In-Network (Cigna HMO)
  • Cigna Open Access Plus (Cigna PPO) 

Medicare will become the primary payer of your medical claims and the supplemental plan will act as the secondary payer. 

Senior rates

Contact Medicare

Toll-free number: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)


Kaiser Permanente

The Kaiser Medicare HMO includes prescription benefits. If you elect the Kaiser Medicare HMO Plan, you must discontinue enrollment in the County’s prescription plan. Enrollment in the Kaiser Medicare HMO Plan will not occur until confirmation is received from Kaiser that you have completed their packet and have been enrolled.

Split Eligibility

If you are eligible for Medicare and one of your dependents is not (or vice versa) you must maintain the appropriate coverage level and the senior premium rates will not apply until you remove any additional dependents. If this applies to you, contact the OHRM Benefits Division at 301-883-6380. 


What You Need to Do

  1. If you are not automatically enrolled in Medicare, sign up by contacting the Social Security Administration three months before you turn and/or your dependents turn age 65. 
  2. Fill out the Group Medicare Election/Enrollment form and submit to Kaiser for approval. 
  3. Once you receive approval from Kaiser, complete an Enrollment Change Form to enroll in one of the County’s supplemental medical plans.
  4. Submit the form(s) with a copy of your Medicare card showing enrollment in Part A and Part B to the OHRM Benefits Division: 
    1. Email: 
    2. Fax: 301-883-6192 


Kaiser Permanente Resources


For participants in the Cigna medical supplemental plans, the County offers a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan through Express Scripts. Medicare Part D is an extension of Medicare Part A and Part B.

The Medicare Part D plan offers: 

  • Purchase up to a 90- day supply of maintenance medications (medications that treat ongoing conditions) either at the retail or mail-order pharmacy. 
  • Mandatory generic requirement does not apply. Therefore, if a brand name medication has a generic alternative, you can get the brand name medication without penalty. 
  • You may qualify for “extra help” from the federal government to assist with your prescription plan premium and co-payments. 


When Coverage Becomes Effective

The OHRM Benefits Division will automatically enroll you in the Medicare Part D plan if you are on the Cigna Plan. The OHRM Benefits Division will work with Express Scripts to complete the enrollment process required by the federal government for the Medicare Part D plan.

This enrollment process takes time to complete and the Medicare Part D plan may not take effect on the same date as the switchover to the Cigna supplemental medical plan, if you are enrolled in a plan.

You will remain in the Non-Medicare Prescription Drug Plan until the County enrolls you in the Medicare Part D Plan. The OHRM Benefits Division will send you a letter informing you when your Medicare Part D enrollment is in progress. Express Scripts will also provide retirees with additional information regarding your enrollment in the Medicare Part D plan.

To qualify for Extra Help, you must be receiving Medicare, have limited resources and income, and reside in one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia. The Low Income Subsidy (LIS) helps people with Medicare pay for prescription drugs, and lowers the costs of Medicare prescription drug coverage.

NOTE: It is important to note that Medicare does impose an additional Part D premium for high wage earners, which is paid directly to Social Security. This requirement is known as the Part D Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). Social Security will notify you if this requirement applies to you. 


What You Need to Do

  1. If you are not automatically enrolled in Medicare, sign up by contacting the Social Security Administration three months before you turn and/or your dependents turn age 65. 
  2. Complete an Enrollment Change Form to enroll in one of the County’s supplemental medical plans.
  3. Submit the form(s) with a copy of your Medicare card showing enrollment in Part A and Part B to the OHRM Benefits Division: 
    1. Email: 
    2. Fax: 301-883-6192 


Cigna Resources

2023 Plan Documents - Cigna HMO Medicare

2023 Plan Documents - Cigna PPO Medicare


Contact Express Scripts

Express Scripts Medicare Customer Service : 1-855-778-1432


Surviving Spouse and Dependents

Spouses of active employees who are covered under the employee’s health insurance plan(s) will be able to continue their coverage as a Surviving spouse only if the employee is a public safety officer who dies in the line of duty. All other active employees’ spouses and dependents will be offered COBRA in the event of their death. Eligible spouses will be charged the monthly retiree health insurance premium for the public safety class the employee was enrolled upon their death.

Dependents of active employees with no spouse on their plan(s) will be able to continue their health insurance coverage as a surviving dependent only if the employee is a public safety officer who dies in the line of duty. Surviving dependents will be allowed to continue coverage with the County up until the end of month in which they turn 26. Eligible dependents will be charged the monthly retiree health insurance premium for the public safety class the employee was enrolled upon their death.

Spouses and Dependents of Retirees who are covered under the retiree’s health insurance plan(s) will be be eligible to continue their enrollment in the health insurance plan(s) as a surviving spouse or surviving dependent upon the retiree’s death. Surviving spouses/ dependents are eligible to enroll in the same health insurance plan(s) coverage as they had while enrolled as a spouse/dependent under the deceased retiree’s plan(s). Surviving spouses/ dependents are not eligible for the following: not eligible for life insurance, not eligible to elect new coverage plans for any reason and not eligible to re-enroll in health insurance plan(s) once they elect to drop the plan(s). Surviving spouses will be allowed to continue coverage with the County until their death as long as they don’t remarry. If the spouse remarries, they and any dependents on the plan will be offered COBRA as their health insurance coverage with the County will terminate at the end of the month in which they marry. Surviving dependents will be allowed to continue coverage up until the end of the month in which they turn 26 and then will be offered COBRA. Surviving Dependents are not allowed to add new dependents to their coverage. All dependent children will be allowed to continue their coverage up until end of month in which they turn 26. Eligible surviving spouses/dependents will be billed the monthly survivor health insurance premium.  


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I get information about my Maryland State Pension? Information on the state retirement plan is available at  or by phone at 1-800-492-5909.
  • How can I make changes to my tax withholdings/ direct deposit? Retirees can make changes to their tax withholding/direct deposit and update their address through the Member Direct Portal. If you do not have an account please reach out to the Pensions Division at 301-883-6390 or