
Prince George’s County Telework Arrangement Program (TAP)

TAP is one of the County’s Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) that allows for paid employment performed away from the traditional office, depending on the nature of the job. Participation is voluntary and subject to management approval. Eligible employees are encouraged to participate in TAP to the maximum extent possible to support productivity and performance.

All County employees are eligible for TAP except those who:

  1. Handle secure materials that cannot be physically removed from the onsite workplace
  2. Perform work that can only be done at the onsite workplace
  3. Received a summary performance rating below “Needs Improvement” within the last performance cycle
  4. Or received disciplinary action within the last year

Complete the Required TAP Training

To apply for TAP, employees must complete the required training in the County LMS. Details on accessing and completing telework training can be found on the Telework Training page.


Complete the TAP Agreement Package

All County employees who telework must have an approved TAP Agreement in place. After reviewing the policy and completing required training(s), an employee can apply to participate in TAP by assembling a TAP Agreement Package with the following documents:

  1. TAP Application
  2. Telework Arrangement Property Checklist
  3. Certificate of Completion for TAP Training – To access your training certificate in the County LMS, follow the instructions on the County Learning and Development website under the “Employee Guidance” tab.


Whether you are curious about TAP, new to working remotely, or experienced with teleworking, make the most of your telework experience with these resources.

Getting Started with Telework

  1. Administrative Procedure 226: Telework Arrangement Program (TAP) Policy
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Telework Program Agreement and Checklist

Making Telework Work

  1. Telework Tips for Employees
  2. Telework Checklist for Managers
  3. Telework Work Plan Template

Leveraging Technology & Tools

  1. Telework Technology Basics
  2. Voicemail to Email Instructions


For questions about... Please contact...
TAP Policy and Participation Your Agency AWA Coordinator; or

OHRM AWA Program Team
Technical Support with County-issued equipment and resources

Note: OIT does not provide technical support for equipment not issued by the County (e.g., internet access or printer in the employee's residence).
OIT Service Support Desk - Available 24 hours a day

A service ticket can also be submitted by the Agency IT Coordinator.