Telework Training

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) requires any employee who is currently teleworking or managing an employee on telework to complete mandatory online training.

The mandatory telework training can be completed online in the County Learning Management System (LMS). Information about each way to complete this mandatory training requirement is included below.

Online Telework Training

OHRM has an online on-demand telework trainings for employees and managers. The online training takes 15-20 minutes to complete and provides an overview of the County’s telework policy, tips on how to telework successfully, and guidance on resources available. The online training can be accessed in the County LMS using the link below.

  • Employee Telework Training
    Note: To access the above link, please make sure you are already logged into the LMS by following the instructions on the Learning Management System page (online here).