County Government

County Government

County Executive

Acting County Executive Tara H. Jackson


"As Acting County Executive, I will continue to prioritize resident services and optimize government efficiency. I am committed to working with Council during this period of transition to maintain fiscal responsibility."

Our County Executive's administration is committed to providing a world-class education system, safe communities, and a robust economy that creates jobs and opportunities for all, and increases the commercial tax base to ensure residents are provided with the services they deserve. 

County Council

Our legislative branch is focused on the community and providing opportunities to inform, educate, and engage the citizens and businesses in our County.


Our Judicial Branch is a fair forum for justice. The Prince George's County Circuit Court welcomes all.

Boards & Commissions

Our Boards and Commissions are a critical part of County decision-making, oversight, and discussions.

Elected Officials

Voting is your constitutional right. View a full list of the officials currently serving you.


The Office of the Sheriff is the law enforcement arm of the Court system. They provide services that are fair, impartial, and effective.

State's Attorney

The State's Attorney Office safeguards our community through the prosecution of all criminal cases.