Population Management Division
It is the responsibility of the Population Management Division to maintain an accurate case file and computerized records on every inmate committed to the Department, to classify inmates properly into appropriate custody levels, and to enable the courts to establish appropriate conditions of release by providing reliable information on the inmate’s community ties and criminal history.
The Division consists of three sections: Community Supervision, Inmate Records and Release, and Investigative Profile.
In a collaborative effort, each section works to achieve its mission keeping in mind the following goals:
- Increase the rate of appearance for scheduled court dates of Pre-Trial program participants.
- Reduce substance abuse/use and increase the compliance rate for scheduled drug monitoring appointments of Pre-Trial Release Program participants.
- Ensure quality control for tasks performed by employees in the Inmates Records Unit and maintain accurate Inmate Records Unit operation.
- Expand the number of participants in the Home Detention and Voice Track programs and increase site verifications on program participants.
- Reduce the cost of drug testing by streamlining test procedures and reduce waiting time for participants by improving the process.
- Operate a computerized classification process and answer inmate requests in a timely manner.
- Increase the number of inmates released to Pre-Trial supervision in District Court and expand the Investigation Unit, which furnishes reports to members of the Circuit Court judiciary.
- Increase Community Supervision sites in the county in order to improve accessibility for clients.
- Implement an identification card program for defendants released to a Community Supervision Program or released from the facility after completing a vocational program, which may be used to acquire shelter or public assistance.