Are plan review fees submitted with permit application/plans or when the permit is issued?
There are plans filing fees and final permit fees required.
Related questions
Plans are reviewed in-house unless you select a Third Party Plan Reviewer. Visit DPIE’s website for information on the Third Party Plan Review Program.
The sprinkler/fire alarm drawings are submitted in a separate building permit application for approval of sprinklers/alarms.
Yes. Structural calculations are part of the application submittal package if any structural work is involved.
WSSC approval is required before issuance of the permit. Contact WSSC by email at or by phone at 301-206-8886.
Fees may be paid on the ePayments online link. For alternate forms of payment, visit DPIE’s “Payments” page for more information.
Yes, they may be submitted in parallel. The construction and zoning plans will be reviewed through ePlan simultaneously.
Yes, but the building permit for the building shell must be issued first.
No, the building permit has to be issued first. For more information and requirements, visit DPIE’s website page on Third Party Review Program for Fire & Life Safety.
Please contact WSSC by email at or by phone at 301-206-8886 regarding their process.
Once the application has DPIE / Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) review approvals, the permit can be issued; then trade permits (electrical/mechanical) can be obtained online by the licensed trade contractors. Any plumbing / gas plans review / permits must be obtained from WSSC. Contact WSSC by email at or by phone at 301-206-8886.
No, a separate submittal is not required. It is part of the building permit review; however, separate building permits will be issued for sprinklers/alarms.
No, it is part of the Tenant Fit-Out application review by Health.
The Building Permit with U&O is valid for 6 months. If an extension is needed, submit a permit renewal request to Clarence Moseley, Permit Center Manager, at
Use the Permit Renewal Request Form.
Just information regarding existing/proposed fire protection systems should be included on the building permit drawing. A separate building permit needs to be obtained as per question #2.
No, include information on the Building Permit with Use & Occupancy (U&O) (CU) submission.
No; unless it is 12 feet or more, then yes.
Yes. Visit the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) website to fill out an Online Information Request Form and email it to
If this is a new building, then an asbestos survey may not be applicable.
The applicant or owner can be the authorized agent.
A copy of the signed lease agreement between tenant/owner or letter of authorization from owner is required. View DPIE’s Use & Occupancy Requirements website page for more information.
Yes. The application will be categorized as a Commercial with Use (CU) Tenant Fit-Out Application. Once the building permit is issued and Inspections finalizes and approves, the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Click to start your Permit Application.
The Sprinkler/Fire Alarm Building Permit application should be submitted to DPIE.
Additional requirements may be requested once the plans are submitted and reviewed. If there is any plumbing work, contact WSSC by email at or by phone at 301-206-8886. Contact Planning for zoning questions online at Zoning Verification and Uses to submit an Online Request Form by email to
DPIE Site/Road Review may be applicable. You are required to have Third Party Inspections. More information may be found in the TPIP Manual.
No; however, a permit cannot be issued until a contractor is identified.
The 1st cycle review is approximately 4-6 weeks, or you may use Third Party Plan Review if you want an expedited process: Third-Party Plan Review Program (TPPRP).
The estimated time-frame for processing and issuing sprinkler/fire alarm building permits is approximately 5 business days.
Please contact WSSC by email at or by phone at 301-206-8886 regarding their review and issuance time-frames.
Please see the DPIE Fee Schedule.
If so, which departments? Yes, the application process with route the application to Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Site/Road Plan Review, and Health.