Tenants (Housing Authority)
The checks must be mailed each month. We cannot allow you to pick up your check on a continuous basis. A suggestion would be to contact the Post Office who services your area to correct the mail delivery problem you are experiencing.
Contact your Rental Specialist in the Rental Assistance Office at 301-883-5501 and verify that a check was issued to you for the month in question. If after 10 business days from the 1st of the month, if you have not received the check, notify Financial and Administrative Services (FAS), Accounts Payable, in writing, that your check was not received. Your correspondence must be signed and dated. FAS, Accounts Payable can then issue a stop payment on the check and reissue the check once confirmation from the bank is received.
Notify Financial and Administrative Services (FAS), Accounts Payable, in writing, that your check was not received. Your correspondence must be signed and dated. FAS, Accounts Payable can then issue a stop payment on the check and reissue the check once confirmation from the bank is received.
Monthly utility assistance checks are mailed on the first business day of the month.