Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
All applicants selected to receive grant funding will be notified via email once we have received final award decisions from the Office of the County Executive. .
The County strongly encourages the use of electronic deposits via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system. Instructions and an authorization form for Electronic Funds Transfer are provided on the County’s website. Please allow at minimum, 30 days from the time of award notification.
This is a decision your organization will have to make. We recognize that this poses a challenge for the impacted organization and will do our best to refrain from this practice, however, the decision to make full or partial awards is at the discretion of the Executive Review Panel.
Previous CPG awards have ranged from $1,000 to $125,000, however, anticipated awards issued in this funding cycle will not exceed $100,000.
The total amount of your award will be disbursed in one payment.
Funding will depend on several factors. Many aspects of your proposal are taken into consideration, including your organization's mission and goals, statement of need/problem, project description and sustainability relative to the amount requested, evidence of partnerships and collaboration and how your dollars are invested within the communities you serve.