Service Name DPWT Grass and Weeds Removal
External Name Grass and Weeds Removal
Service Type Id SRT-00000033
Service Type Code GRSWEEDS
Service Description Please use this service request to report tall grass and weeds in the county right of way. Residential property owners are responsible for maintaining the grass strip areas between the curb and gutter and sidewalks adjacent to their property or any public space between the edge of pavement and the property line. Commercial property owners are responsible for the public space around their property including the curb and gutter.
External Description Please use this service request to report tall grass and weeds in the county right of way. Residential property owners are responsible for maintaining the grass strip areas between the curb and gutter and sidewalks adjacent to their property or any public space between the edge of pavement and the property line. Commercial property owners are responsible for the public space around their property including the curb and gutter.
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