What happens to my compostable materials (food scraps and yard trim) once they are collected?
All materials are transported to the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility for processing. Materials are placed in...
All materials are transported to the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility for processing. Materials are placed in...
Collecting compost at the curb will:
Acceptable items include:
Collect food scraps in the pail; empty the kitchen pail into the green cart for collection by 6 a.m. on Monday.
Do NOT place...
The County’s program accepts additional types of food waste unsuitable for backyard composting. However, residents who currently...
To report a missed Prince George’s County-provided compost collection, contact PGC311 (out of County: 301-883-4748). If your...
No; cooking grease, fats, and oils are not accepted for composting. These items can be recycled at the County’s Household...
All organic materials are transported to the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility for processing. Materials are...
Eligible residents who currently receive curbside County trash AND recycling collection services will receive a composting...