Building Contractor License

Homeowner Construction, homeowner standing in kitchen visualizing blueprint into finished room

Prince George's County Building Contractor's License Requirements


A Prince George...

State Business Licenses

Business Licenses


Physical Address:

Judicial Administrative Services

14701 Governor Oden Bowie Drive

Upper Marlboro, MD...

Business Licenses

One of the first steps in starting a business is researching the types of business licenses that are required. Take a few...

About the Health Department


Prince George's County Health Deartment Logo


All Prince Georgians are their healthiest at every age and every stage.


To lead, engage, and empower our community...

RFP No. 2022-3

Fee-based real estate development for the development and construction of a new full-service hotel and meeting center and free***

RFP No. 2022-1

Interior demolition, limited scope construction and conversion to grey box space at 4524 Suitland Road, Suitland MD 20746