FIRE/EMS Stations

The department responds to more than 400 incidents a day, totaling more than 157,000 incidents a year.  Approximately 75% of...

FIRE/EMS Services

Fire Suppression 

fire suppression at night

The Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department responds to approximately 200 structure fires a year...

FIRE/EMS History

fire/ems hat and jacket

The first official firefighting efforts in Prince George’s County came in 1742, when the Bladensburg Fire Company became the...

FIRE/EMS Structure

The Fire Chief is surrounded and supported by a team of sworn and civilian managers to help oversee the department’s daily...

Childhood Lead and Asthma


In Prince George's County:

  • All children aged between six months and six years should undergo a blood test for lead.
  • Remind...

Monkeypox (MPX)

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is caused by a virus that can make individuals sick with a rash or sores (pox), often accompanied by...

COVID-19 Symptoms

COVID-19 Symptoms (CDC Update Febuary 2021)

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild...