Get involved! Sign up for volunteer opportunities throughout the county, the latest news, and youth programs.
Community Service Opportunities
The Community Outreach Promoting Empowerment Section (COPE) works to engage communities and individuals in restoration, promoting sustainable solutions and leveraging community action.
Drain Stenciling Program
Please get involved! A storm drain stenciling project is a great way to spread the word throughout your community to take action to prevent water pollution and maintain a clean environment.
Neighborhood Cleanup Program
The Volunteer Neighborhood Cleanup Program is a community-sponsored volunteer program that enables the Department of the Environment to partner with civic and homeowner associations, local businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Family Services
Domestic Violence Assistance
The Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Supportive Services Division assists in the coordinating services and programs for individuals impacted by domestic violence, human trafficking, or sexual assault.
Geographic Development Incentives
Both Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland offer development incentives whose eligibility is either wholly or in part dependent on the location of a given project. To assist prospective developers in determining the eligibility of locations for certain incentives, the county has developed an online mapping tool.
The Prince George’s County Youth@Work/Summer Youth Enrichment Program (SYEP) provides an opportunity for young people across the County to participate in career development, life-skills training, and summer employment opportunities.
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