Are the fees fair and equitable?
Prince George’s County is dedicated to meeting our federal requirements while keeping the fees as low as possible. Our fee...
Prince George’s County is dedicated to meeting our federal requirements while keeping the fees as low as possible. Our fee...
If you are a residential property owner who can demonstrate substantial financial hardship as a result of the Clean Water Act...
No. The Clean Water Act Fee may not be deducted from federal or state income taxes. The Internal Revenue Service does not...
The Clean Water Act Fee will be a separate line item on your annual property tax bill. Please call 301-883-5810 for more...
The Clean Water Act Fee must be paid in full at the same time as the rest of your property tax bill. If you choose not to pay...
Yes, you will be charged a minimal administration fee for each property to help cover the costs of the Clean Water Program...
Yes, because that property contains impervious area. Please call 301-883-5810 for more information.
Yes, but the fee is based only on the impervious area of the principal residential property, and not the land in agriculture...
Yes, but that program is designated for flood control, not clean water. Please call 301-883-5810 for more information.
Non-profit organizations interested in applying for The Strategic Partnerships Nonprofit Relief Fund should complete an...