Basic Page

    Climate Change

    PGC_Climate action plan_2021 Cover

    Prince George’s County Climate Resident Advisory Group

    Thank you to all applicants who applied for the Climate Resident Advisory...

    Reduction Credits

     Summary of Reduction Credits Available

    Property Type Total Percent (%) Reduction1 in Impervious Area Fee Type of Impervious Area...

    Acceptable & Unacceptable Items

    Acceptable Items


    • Food and beverage containers


    • Aluminum foil
    • Aluminum, bimetal, ferrous, and steel food and beverage...

    Vehicle Tow FAQs

    Our mission is to ensure citizens and businesses are afforded due process as it relates to illegal or predatory towing.



    Prince George’s County is committed to improving the quality of life for its communities by promoting green solutions to...

    Coal Tar Sealant Ban

    Effective July 1, 2015, it is illegal to sell, use or permit the use of coal tar pavement products on property in Prince George...

    Kittens & TNVR

    What to do about Kittens

    Every year starting in late winter, thousands of free-roaming cats give birth to kittens across Prince...

    Be Seen Being Green

    DoE Be seen being green logo

    We want to see YOU! You are why we're #1 in recycling, waste diversion, solar energy generation & so much more!

    Follow DoE on...