311 On the Go!
311 On the Go! Mobile Unit
The 311 On The Go! Mobile Unit meets residents where they are! We are ready to respond to your community’s needs. Complete the request form to have 311OTG! Mobile Unit visit your community or community event.
The Office of Community Relations will do our due diligence to meet each request; however, we may need to modify the date and time for the 311OTG! Mobile Unit to visit your community.

About the Program
The 311 On the Go! (311OTG!) program addresses the concerns of citizens based on a regional approach (northern, central, and southern). The 311OTG! program includes a front-end citizen-facing module in which team members will be out in the community participating in outreach activities, listening, and observing citizen concerns. An important feature of this program is the visibility of County Government throughout communities where citizens live, work, shop, and are entertained. This program also includes a back-end module in which citizen concerns are received, submitted via PGC311, and tracked to resolution. Through administrative activity, citizen concerns will be addressed by working collaboratively with the County government agencies responsible for resolving their respective concerns.
The 311 On the Go! Program is the bridge that connects citizens to Prince George’s County Government Agency services and information.
To be the go-to organization that Prince George’s County Citizens can trust and depend on to help resolve community concerns.
Citizen Advocacy
One of the key functions of the 311 On the Go! Program is to be an advocate on behalf of the County’s citizenry. This critical work includes interacting with citizens, conducting site visits, and collaborating with County Government Agencies to resolve citizen concerns.