How can I get authorization for a disinterment?

In Maryland, the State's Attorney of the County in which a body is interred must give authorization for a disinterment. Disinterment requests are made for various reasons, some of which include: the family has moved to another state or location; new family lots have been purchased; the family wants to move to a location where headstones are allowed or the family wants to lower to double depth so that two persons may be buried in the same site.

This form may be obtained by calling 301-952-3500 to have one mailed to you. When filling out the form, be sure to include all information regarding both the current and proposed places of internment, including lot, site, section, crypt, etc., numbers, name and address of the cemetery. If the lot owner of the site where the deceased is currently interred is different than the person signing the form, please include a short explanation of the lot owner's relationship to the deceased, and whether that person concurs with the request for disinterment.

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