Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Community Partnership Grants: Proof of Eligibility / Documentation (County Executive)

      No. Our application criteria indicate that you must provide a copy of your IRS Tax Determination Letter at the time of application. Please apply during next year’s application period.

      No. We require current year documentation. The date on the certificate must be within six months of the application deadline and visible on the document

      No, it is not. Under the Maryland Solicitations Act, a charitable organization soliciting in Maryland generally must file documents with the Office of the Secretary of State. Registration is required prior to the commencement of solicitations. The type of registration required depends upon the level of charitable contributions received by a charitable organization. For more information regarding “Registering a Charity”, please visit the website below.

      Maryland Secretary of State Website.

      Your Certificate of Status, also known as your “Certificate of Good Standing”, should be obtained from the jurisdiction where your organization was incorporated. If your organization was formed in the District of Columbia, you should provide a “Certificate of Clean Hands” from the District of Columbia’s Office of Tax and Revenue, not the State of Maryland.

      To be in “Good Standing” with your State means that all documents and fees required by law to be submitted to the appropriate State department have been received, and that no other government agency has notified the department/office that your entity is delinquent in tax payments. Each state issues its own version of a “Certificate of Status” or “Good Standing”.

      Most of our non-profit applicants are based in Maryland. The Internet Certificate document looks like the image below and can be printed from your computer. This is acceptable proof of your organization’s “Good Standing” with the State of Maryland. For this application, please submit the document as illustrated below

      The Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation issues a certificate verifying that a business entity is in “good standing”. For more information, please see Certificate of Status on the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) website. Similarly, the District of Columbia, Office of Tax and Revenue also issues a Certificate of Clean Hands formerly known as a Certificate of Good Standing. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State Corporation Commission (SSC) Office of the Clerk issues a Certificate of Good Standing.