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Animal Management Division

Animal Management Division



1. How can I adopt a pet?

Steps to the adoptions process

Step 1. Visit the website under "adopt a pet", enter zip code 20772, and select Prince Georges County Animal Services Facility & Adoption Center to view the available animals in the facility.
Step 2. Call (301)-780-7201 with the animal ID number to check availability and schedule an appointment for an interaction (up to 2 animals)
Step 3. After scheduling an appointment complete the Adoption Application for Dogs & Cats or Adoption Application for Exotic Animals, print and bring application to your scheduled appointment.

Note: Citizens and residents adopting a pet from the Animal Services Facility may pay for adoption fees by cash or Credit Card only.

For more information and the adoption applications visit the adoption page on our website Adopt

2. Am I required to obtain a license for each pet in my household?

Every Dog, Cat and/or Ferret over the age of four months and who has been in Prince George’s County for thirty days must have a County License. A License will not be granted unless the owner provides proof that the animal is current on its rabies vaccination.

3. Is there a limit on the number of pets a person or household can have in Prince George’s County?

Yes, a person or household may have up to four domestic animals in the residence without obtaining a hobby permit. A hobby permit must be obtained if person/household wants to harbor or keep five or more animals (up to ten) that are four months of age or older and larger than a guinea pig. The hobby permit does not apply to licensed animal hospitals, licensed animal holding facilities, farm animals, etc.

4. How do I obtain a pet license?

You can purchase a pet license online through the County’s website at Pet License
You can obtain a pet license from the Prince George's County Animal Services Division, the College Park Animal Control Facility, the Bowie Animal Control Facility or the Laurel City Hall.

When submitting the application, a copy of the current rabies vaccination certificate, a copy of the spay/neuter certificate (if applicable), and a check or money order payable to Prince George's County in the amount of $10 for altered animals or $25 for unaltered animals must be included. For additional licensing information contact (301) 780-7251 or (301) 780-7252.

5. Where do I call to report a missing, vicious or injured animal?

To report a missing pet please call lost & found at 301-780-7250

6. Where do I call to report a vicious or injured animal?

To report a vicious or injured animal, please call the Animal Services Division at (301) 780-7241. In all cases please be prepared to provide additional information as appropriate, such as type of animal, last known location and condition of the animal.

7. Are Pit Bulls allowed in Prince George’s County?

As of February 3, 1997, in compliance with County Code, Section 3-185.01 it is illegal to own a Pit Bull in Prince George’s County.

8. How do you know if the dog is a Pit Bull or just a mixed Pit Bull and how is that determined?

It has been determined that a dog whether mixed or otherwise which exhibits the characteristics of a Pit Bull in its lineage more than any other breed will fall under the Pit Bull Law. Pit Bulls are also defined as:

a.  Staffordshire Bull Terriers
b.  American Pit Bull Terriers; and
c.  American Staffordshire Terriers

A breed evaluation can be requested through our facility by calling 301-780-7242.

9. How do I report a sick/injured animal?
Call the Animal Services Division at 301-780-7241 or 301-780-7242

10. How do I report an animal running about in a neighborhood unrestrained?

Call the Animal Services Division at 301-780-7241 or 301-780-7242

11. Do you allow persons outside of Prince George’s County or the State of Maryland to adopt animals?

Yes, our adoptions are open persons from outside of the County and outside of the State. As Prince George’s County Animal Services Division (ASD) has a good working relationship with all the local jurisdictions, we do encourage citizens to seek out adoptable animals at their local shelters/ animal control, and humane societies, as well.

12. How does Animal Services Division (ASD) get all their animals?

A great percentage of the animals at the shelter are picked up by our Animal Control Officers (ACO) on the street as a stray, others are brought into ASD by citizens as strays, while others have been removed from their owner’s or custodian’s custody pending some legal action by ASD. Lastly, animals are also surrendered by their owners or custodians who no longer able to maintain the animals for a myriad of reasons.

13. Are the animals from your facility already house broken?

Some animals may be house broken; however, in a kennel environment, around strange people and animals it is very likely that the new animal you adopt is not totally house broken. Animals learn quickly and want to please you; therefore, once you get your new companion animal home it may take a few days and consistency on your part for your new buddy to become house broken. 

14. Do you have any previous history on animal(s) that are up for adoption?

Since a great percentage of the animals at the shelter are picked up as a stray, others are brought into ASD by citizens as strays, while others have been removed from their owner’s or custodian’s custody pending some legal action by ASD and lastly, animals are also surrendered by their owners or custodians who no longer able to maintain the animals for a myriad of reasons. The only history we are privy to is the information gathered from owners who surrender their animals.

15. How do I report cruelty to an animal or an animal that is being kept in unsafe manner?

Call the Animal Services Division at 301-780-7241 or 301-780-7242

16. Does the adopted animal have to be spayed or neutered? Why should we spay/neuter the animal?

Yes, all animals which are being adopted must be spayed or neutered. There is a nationwide over population of animals, and as a result many animal shelters, animal control agencies and /or humane societies have to humanely euthanize healthy animals sometimes, which for one reason or another were not fortunate to be placed in a new “Forever Home”. Animals not spayed or neutered run a higher chance of tumors and/or cancer as they get older. Female dogs not spayed and are allowed to have a litter of pups (could be the first time or the last time you decide to breed the dog) can get a condition called Pyrometra. Pyometra is an infection of the uterus which if not caught in time can result in the animal’s death. Female dogs also have problems with mammary glands if not spayed.

Now don’t think male dogs get off lightly, as they do not. Male dogs are susceptible to testicular tumors and prostate problems associated with not being neutered.

As a final answer to this question from one dog being allowed to have a litter of puppies by the time this dog reaches the age of fourteen or fifteen years from the first litter of pups to the last we are adding well over a hundred puppies/dogs animals. From one litter of kittens you are adding several hundred kittens/cats to a society where we cannot adequately support them or monitor them to verify that they are placed in loving “Forever Homes,” and provided with proper care until they each reach fourteen to twenty years of age.

17. Where can I have my pet spayed or neutered?

For information on low-cost spay/neuter services, please contact the Spay Spot Spay/Neuter Clinic located within the Animal Services Facility at (301) 254-8151.

18. I am a County teacher and I would like to plan an animal care instruction lesson. Where do I call for information?

To schedule a presentation, please call the Volunteer Coordinator at (301) 780-7220.

I have healthy wildlife being a nuisance on my property, what do I do

For assistance with healthy wildlife on your property please contact Maryland Department of Natural Resources at 877-463-6497; permission to trap wild animals.

20. How do I report sick, injured or deceased wildlife?

Call the Animal Services Division at 301-780-7200

21. How do I report wildlife inside of my dwelling?

Call the Animal Services Division as 301-780-7200

22. How do I volunteer to assist at the shelter?

We accept assistance from students 14 age or older, from adults and from persons fulfilling court orders.  For more information contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 301-780-7220 or visit our website for additional information and the volunteer application

23. How do I make donations to the shelter?

Please visit our website at or our amazon wishlist at PGCASD Wishlist