Snow Removal - Sidewalks
Snow Removal- Sidewalks
1. Who is responsible for snow removal on sidewalks?
Information about the responsibility of snow removal by individuals and businesses, from sidewalks. Section 23-150 of the County Code states that businesses and residents who own or lease property that abuts public sidewalks are required to clear the sidewalk abutting their property within 48 hours after the last snowflake falls. After 24 hours, a reminder in the form of a door hanger or notice may be issued to property owners. The Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement (DPIE) will issue a $100 citation if they still have not cleared the sidewalks 48 hours or more after the end of the snow event. The $100 citation can be issued for each day the snow and ice are not cleared from the abutting sidewalks. If the issue persists beyond a reasonable number of days, DPIE may send a contractor to clear the snow and ice and bill the cost to the owner or occupant. To report residences, apartment complexes and/or businesses who have not cleared the sidewalks abutting their properties, within 48 hours after snow stopped falling, please submit a service request under Snow - Complaints about Snow/Ice on Sidewalks.
2. What is the location of the sidewalk to be cleared?
Single-family homeowners, Renters and Business Proprietors: are responsible for the removal of snow/ice from the sidewalks abutting their homes or businesses.
Private property, Business/Industrial, Apartment Complex: Enforcement priorities are Business/Commercial areas and School Zones.