How can those residing within the County play a role in reducing illegal waste dumping?
Prince George’s County residents can actively work towards changing their behavior and increasing their recycling knowledge and...
What are other measures you have in place to help community members properly dispose of their waste/trash?
Prince George’s County residents can bring items to the two convenience station locations to dispose of unwanted items. Please...
How does illegal waste dumping impact the citizens of the County?
Illegal dumping impacts communities with unsightly garbage and waste alongside streets, within grassy areas, and on local roads...
What initiatives has the Department of Environment taken to combat this issue?
Initiatives include increased curbside services, including trash, recycling, and compost services. Residents can place four (4)...
How does illegal waste dumping impact the citizens of the County?
Illegal dumping impacts communities with unsightly garbage and waste alongside streets, within grassy areas, and on local roads...
What is illegal waste dumping and its relevance in Prince George’s County?
Illegal dumping is the criminal act of intentionally disposing of unwanted items at any place outside of proper disposal...