Call-A-Cab is a transportation assistance program that provides mobility at a reduced cost for County seniors (age 60+) and/or...
Call-A-Cab is a transportation assistance program that provides mobility at a reduced cost for County seniors (age 60+) and/or...
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a Federally funded program designed to assist local jurisdictions in the...
Emergency shelters are places for people to live temporarily when they can't live in their previous residence. The Prince George...
The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) administered by DHCD's Housing Development Division is intended to assist Prince...
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds are used to address the specific needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS...
The Housing Authority of Prince George’s County, Maryland (HAPGC) was established in 1969...
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) is a voluntary program for Housing Choice Voucher Program and Public...
The Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program (HCVHP) uses a voucher subsidy that once helped families pay rent to a landlord...
Housing Units
The Housing Authority owns and manages 392 units of public and assisted housing in Prince George’s County. There...