Statement from Health Officer Dr. Ernest Carter on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
On March 5, 2020, Maryland’s Public Health Laboratory in Baltimore confirmed the first three positive cases of novel...
On March 5, 2020, Maryland’s Public Health Laboratory in Baltimore confirmed the first three positive cases of novel...
On March 7, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Health notified the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) that a person...
The Fire/EMS Department answers over one hundred sixty thousand calls for service annually, protecting close...
TAP is one of the County’s Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) that...
The Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP), is a voluntary program for eligible members of the Fire Service and Police...
The Police DROP is for members of the Police Pension Plan who are covered under the F.O.P. Lodge 89 Collective Bargaining...
The Police DROP is for members of the Police Pension Plan who are covered under the F.O.P. Lodge 89 Collective Bargaining...
DPIE will implement the new "Site/Road...