County Wins “Organics Diversion Program of the Year” Award
Recognized for expanding free curbside composting program PGC Composts
Narcotic Enforcement Division
The Narcotic Enforcement Division comprises the Narcotic Unit, Gang Unit, Interdiction Unit, Asset Forfeiture Unit, Technical...
Strategic Investigations Division
The Strategic Investigations Division comprises the Carjacking Interdiction Unit, Financial Crimes Section, Auto Crimes Section...
Special Crimes Division
The Special Crimes Division's mission is to assist victims of our community with much-needed services. Each investigator...
Major Crimes Division
The Major Crimes Division comprises the Homicide Unit, Gun Crimes Unit, Gun Intel Unit, and Gun Offender Registry Unit. The...
Rey de Guzman Named Associate Director of S/RPRD
DPIE Commends Rey de Guzman on His New Associate Director Position
21st Century Policing Division
The 21st Century Policing Division is responsible for researching, drafting, editing, and publishing Department General and...
Risk Management
The Risk Management handles accident, illness, and injury claims. Risk Management receives and processes medical and other...