Programs & Initiatives
After School Programs
These programs provide after school enrichment programs that promote positive youth development in a structured, supervised setting. Program activities include academic enrichment in reading, math, arts, education, and a variety of sports activities.
Gang Prevention
The Gang Prevention program utilizes the Phoenix Gang Prevention and Intervention curriculum which is an evidence based model for students and parents in or school settings. Currently, the curriculum is being implemented in Buck Lodge Middle School, and High Point and Northwestern High Schools.
Healthy Families Prince George's
Healthy Families Prince George's is a voluntary program that provides support to first time mothers under the age of 25, and to the children's fathers. Services include prenatal support, intensive home visiting and mentoring services.
Healthy Families Prince George's is designed to improve birth outcomes, promote healthy child development and enhance family functioning through the provision of supportive services that synchronize existing prenatal, pediatric and mental health service delivery and assist the child and parents to realize their potential. Healthy Families Prince George's works with parents until the child reaches the age of 5.
Kinship Care
The program addresses the therapeutic and concrete needs of non-parental relative caretakers and their families as they work toward permanency plans for children in their care.
Multi-systemic Therapy
Multi-systemic Therapy is an intensive family and community based treatment model that addresses the multiple determinants of serious antisocial behavior in juvenile offenders. The multi-systemic approach views individuals as being nested within a complex network of interconnected systems that encompass individual, family and extra familial (peer, school, neighborhood) factors.
Truancy Prevention Initiative
The initiative is a prevention and intervention model of intensive case management designed along with a strategic plan to address the elementary school aged children exhibiting a pattern of truant behavior.
Youth Service Bureaus
Youth Service Bureaus (YSBs) are community based, multi-service prevention programs serving youth and families. The youth served are those who are at risk of becoming delinquent because of their behaviors and circumstances and youth who have committed minor delinquencies. All YSBs provide formal and informal counseling, crisis intervention, substance abuse assessment and referral and information and referral services.
The locations of the Youth Services Bureaus are as follows:
- Bowie Youth and Family Services
- College Park Youth and Family Services Bureau
- District Heights Youth and Family Services Center
- Greenbelt CARES Youth and Family Services and Laurel-Beltsville Oasis.
- Laurel Youth Services Bureaus
Referrals are accepted from schools, parents, the Department of Juvenile Services, police, self, other agencies and friends.
Other Programs & Initiatives Funded Through the CYFD
- Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Initiative
- Local Care Team (LCT)