Long-Term Care Programs
The Senior Assisted Living Subsidy Program
The Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy Program provides funding for low-income older adults who may need financial assistance in order to afford placement in an assisted living facility and enables individuals to continue to reside in the community. The assisted living facility combines housing with supportive services by offering congregate meals, housekeeping personal services and 24-hour supervision.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Be at least 62 years old
- Be a Prince George's County resident
- Meet the income guidelines not to exceed $4,350 (individual) per month
- Meet the asset guidelines not to exceed $20,064 (individual) or $24,400 (couple)
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities to ensure that they maintain control of their legal rights, their lives, and personal dignity.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities to ensure that they maintain control of their legal rights, their lives, and personal dignity.
Types of issues the Long-Term Care Ombudsman handle?
- Residents' Rights
- Quality of Care
- Involuntary transfers and discharges
- Abuse and Neglect
- Privacy
- Food Quality
Long-Term Care Ombudsman act as advocates for residents and will provide the following:
- Investigate and work to resolve residents' problems and complaints.
- Educate staff and family members about residents' rights and good care practices.
- Promote community involvement through volunteer opportunities.
- Provide information to the public on nursing homes and assisted living facilities, residents' rights, and policy issues.
- Protect the identity of residents and individuals who make complaints.
- Advocate for the health, safety, welfare, and residents' rights.
There is no charge for the services and expertise of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Confidentiality is always respected.
Become a Long-Term Care Ombudsman Volunteer
Volunteers are valuable resources and are needed to increase the visibility of the Ombudsman in long-term care facilities. Volunteers conduct advocacy visits and meet individually with residents. They receive extensive training, guidance and support on the long-term care system and their role as the long-term ombudsman volunteer within facilities. For more information on becoming a volunteer, call 301-265-8450.
Senior Care
The Senior Care Program provides services for seniors who may be at risk for nursing home placement. Older adults can access publicly funded services, or if they are not available, the Senior Care staff will make arrangements with private vendors. Services can include personal care, chore, adult day care, financial help for medications, medical supplies, respite care, home delivered meals, emergency response systems, transportation, and others.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Be at least 65 years old
- Be a Prince George's County resident
- Meet the income guidelines not to exceed $4,112.50 (individual)
- Meet the asset guidelines not to exceed $11,000 (individual) or $14,000 (couple)
Medicaid Home and Community-Based Options Waiver
The goal of the Community Options Waiver is to enable individuals 18 years of age and older to remain in a community setting even though their advanced age or disability would warrant placement in a long-term care facility. The Waiver program allows services, usually covered by Medicaid in a long-term care facility, to be provided to eligible individuals in their own homes or in assisted living facilities. The Community Options Waiver provides support planning services for potential clients and clients already enrolled in the program. Other services include personal care, respite care, medical adult daycare, home-delivered meals, environmental assessments, environmental adaptations, personal emergency response systems, assistive devices, behavior consultations, and nutritional consultations.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a Maryland resident
- Meet the medical eligibility requirements for Long-Term Care benefits in a nursing home facility
- Meet the income guidelines of $2,199
- Meet the asset guidelines of no more than $2,000 - $2,500
Money Follows the Person
The Money Follows the Person initiatives are to enhance outreach efforts and to increase public awareness through options counseling for individuals wanting to return to the community or "age in place." Money Follows the Person provides assistance to individuals transitioning from an institution, or nursing facility, to community living in an apartment, private home, or small group setting.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Reside in Maryland in an institutional setting receiving long-term care
- Meet the income and asset guidelines for the waiver programs
Community First Choice
Community First Choice provides the option to offer certain community based services as a state plan benefit. Community First Choice consolidated personal care services across two existing programs; Living at Home Waiver and Older Adults Waiver. The program allows individuals of any age who receive full community Medicaid benefits to have access to expanded services such as personal care, personal emergency response systems, services that substitute for human assistance, home delivered meals, and support planning.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Reside in Maryland
- Meet an institutional level of care
- Be a Community Medicaid recipient
Community Personal Assistance Services
Formerly known as the Medical Assistance Personal Care program, Community Personal Assistance Services provides support to those individuals who require assistance with their activities of daily living, but do not meet an institutional level of care. Community Personal Assistance Services provides individuals who are chronically ill, frail, or disabled the opportunity to stay in their home by granting personal support with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. Other services include nurse monitoring and support planning.
To qualify, an individual must:
- Reside in Maryland
- Meet the medical level of care requirements for the program
- Be a Community Medicaid recipient
Adult Public Guardianship Program
In Maryland, a guardian must be appointed by a Circuit Court Judge. It is the Judge who always decides who is the best person/party to serve as a disabled person’s guardian. If there is no family member or friend willing or able to serve as a guardian, the Judge appoints a public agency to serve in that role. In such cases involving individuals 65 years of age or older, the Director of the Aging and Disabilities Services Division is appointed Guardian of the Person. For court appointed cases, the guardianship staff make everyday decisions regarding medical matters, shelter and personal welfare issues.