Domestic Violence Community Assistance Fund
The Department of Family Services partnered with the Greater Washington Community Foundation in Prince George’s County to create the Domestic Violence Community Assistance Fund (DVCAF). The DVCAF was created to provide programmatic financial assistance to non-profit organizations to enhance services to individuals and families directly affected by domestic violence, human trafficking and to provide programs designed to prevent violence in the home and achieve a greater level of independence. This includes strengthening the families’ ability to cope, and rebuilding the family unit by assisting them in the removal of challenges to gaining self-sufficiency. This is accomplished by helping families obtain access to legal services, counseling services, support groups, employment, training and housing. Grantees also participated in capacity-building and technical assistance activities designed and provided by the Greater Washington Community Foundation. |
Domestic Violence Community Assistance Fund Awardees FY18
Community Crisis Services, Inc. (CCSI) |
Funds will be used to support the needs of those affected by domestic violence including ongoing support groups, perpetrator counseling, shelter/housing and other needs as necessary or requested. Funding would specifically support CCSI's "Break the Chain of Violence" program that focuses on domestic violence in three distinctively separate but ways including victims and perpetrators within Prince George's County. |
Courtney's House |
Funds will be used to support of its "Transitioning Your Mindset out of the Life" program which provides support group counseling for 15-20 youth. Support groups meet weekly for survivors and monthly for parents. Courtney's House will also provide support groups and case management to at least 15 parents. They anticipate serving 50 youth. |
St. Matthew's Housing Corporation |
Funds will be used to transition its work into two facilities and to secure housing, counseling, financial planning and support of 8 families experiencing domestic violence. Providing a part-time on site assistance and initial and partial renovations to Beta House, provide limited financial assistance to those transitioning to permanent housing in security deposits and provide covenant assistance for services. |
Community Advocates for Family and Youth (CAFY) |
Funds will be used to continue supporting victims of domestic violence in Prince George's County through enhancement of our domestic violence assistance utilizing CAFY's Victim Services Collaborative, Legal Clinic and CAFY's Counseling and Family Center with wrap-around services addressing safety net needs by re-stabilizing the family with protection from possible homelessness, dealing with legal issues (protective orders) and providing emergency and basic needs. |
House of Ruth, Maryland Inc. |
Funds will be used to continue to support consistent, high-level, services to residents of Prince George's County experiencing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and to their children suffering from emotional trauma due to IPV. These services include service coordination, client emergency assistance, and support for safe housing, and clinical services as part of HRM's comprehensive continuum of services. |
Domestic Violence Community Assistance Fund Awardees FY17
Community Advocates for Family and Youth (CAFY) | Funds will be used to expand and enhance CAFY's domestic violence assistance utilizing CAFY's Victim Services Collaborative, Legal Clinic, and Counseling & Family Center with wrap-around service addressing safety net needs by re-stabilizing the family with protection from possible homelessness, dealing with legal issues (protective orders) and providing emergency and basic needs. Our Client Assistance Fund (CAF) will be expanded to provide rental assistance by paying the security deposit and the first month's rent. Access to legal service and mental health services are provided. Families without reliable transportation can also get transportation assistance to important legal services and mental health services. |
Affiliated Santé Group | Funds will be used to expand its Prince George's County services for survivors of domestic violence. This project will be provided initially through Prince George's Crisis Response Services but the Outpatient Mental Health Clinic will collaborate providing both Urgent Care Therapy and long-term therapy. Specifically, the plan will include a specialized clinician trained in intimate partner violence treatment for 24 hours per week. This service, will have PGCRS conducting the assessments through Mobile Crisis Treatment. After assessment, UCC therapy will be provided then the client will be moved to the OMHC for longer term treatment. |
House of Ruth, Maryland Inc. | Funds will be used to support the provision of continuing services to individuals and families directly affected by intimate partner violence (IPV). The House of Ruth Maryland has been providing services to victims of intimate partner violence and their children in Prince George's County for over 25 years. This project would support crisis counseling, long-term therapeutic counseling for adults, children and families, client support, IPV education, safety planning, information and referral. |
Family Crisis Center of Prince George's County (FCC) | Funds will be used to launch an aggressive public awareness campaign targeting areas in our county heavily impacted by domestic violence. The funds will support the creation and distribution of signage and a digital media public service announcement. In addition to an aggressive public awareness campaign, FCC will host a domestic violence survivor institute for adult and adolescent survivors of domestic violence. The institute will feature a full day of events to educate, empower and connect attendees with resources to improve financial, intimate relationships, mental health, physical health, parenting, trauma recovery and professional functioning. |