Purple Line Corridor
The new Purple Line will promote transit use and accessibility along with new development. With new development comes real concerns with anticipated increased housing prices in the area, particularly those areas adjacent to the new stations along the corridor. The County is keenly aware and is taking proactive actions to review and revive current policies along with participation in local and regional planning efforts to ensure stability to existing residents and allow for affordable inclusion in new development growth.
The Purple Line Corridor Coalition (PLCC) is an innovative public-private community collaboration working to leverage Maryland’s largest transit investment in the 21st century to create a place of opportunity for all who live, work and invest in the corridor. PLCC work is guided by the goals and vision laid out in the Community Development Agreement for the Purple Line Corridor which was developed through an extensive stakeholder engagement process.

A map of the area that surrounds the Purple Line can be seen here.
For more information about the Purple Line and the PLCC, visit https://purplelinecorridor.org/