Housing Investment Trust Fund
The Housing Investment Trust Fund (HITF), established through CB-21-2012, and amended in CB-57-2017, serves as a vehicle to provide Workforce Housing Gap Financing with an emphasis on supporting the development of new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of existing workforce and affordable housing while targeting households earning up to 120% of the area median income (AMI).
HITF Funds
On March 30, 2021, the County Council enacted CB-004-2021, which established a sustainable source of funding for the Housing Investment Trust Fund by reallocating a certain percentage of the County’s recordation taxes to provide support for the fund; requiring certain financing for the fund.

Through the Housing Investment Trust Fund, the Department of Housing and Community Development encourages non-profit and for-profit developers to produce and rehabilitate housing and assist Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO's) to create and support housing opportunities for households of limited income. Take a look at some examples of affordable housing communities using the Housing Investment Trust Fund:
- 210 on the Park
- Addison Park
- Atworth College Park
- Cottage City Towers
- Gateway at Peerless
- Hamlet Woods
- Park Place at Addison Road
- Residences at Springbrook
- Sovren West Hyattsville
The Housing Investment Trust Fund Annual Report summarizes the Fund's activities for 2023.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is provided to eligible projects and beneficiaries in the form of interest-bearing loans. The amount of financial assistance is determined on a project-by-project basis, throughout the fiscal year.
Project Guidelines
To ensure that HITF investments yield affordable housing over the long term, the County requires that the minimum or greater affordability period for each type of eligible activity be incorporated into each project.
DHCD will apply the underwriting guidelines and procedures for the HOME program to the HITF; however, where necessary, exceptions or specific points of departure may be applied to HITF underwriting criteria at the discretion of the DHCD Director.
Additionally, projects may be assisted with both HOME and HITF funds; however, HOME and HITF funds may not be used for the same unit.
HITF Income Limits can be found on the following website: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/mtsp.html
HITF Rent Limits can be found on the following website: dhcd.maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Pages/MFLibrary.aspx