Homeowner Resources
Homeowner Preservation Program (HOPP)
Pathway to Purchase (P2P)
Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program
The Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program provides financial assistance for the rehabilitation of single-family homes to persons of limited financial means for the purpose of upgrading the quality of deteriorated dwellings to contemporary minimum property standards, including the elimination of all housing code violations.
Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund
The Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) and HAF WholeHome programs ended September 18, 2023. Applications are no longer being accepted as the funding has been completely allocated to homeowners and the federal funding for this program has ended. If you have questions about an existing application please call 1-833-676-0119 or login to the application portal.
For questions and answers about how to prevent foreclosure on your home, speak with a local HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency. To be connected to housing counseling and legal services, call 1-877-462-7555 or see Participating Housing Counseling and Legal Services Agencies to find an agency that can work with you to access relief.