County Right of First Refusal Program: Multifamily Rental Properties

In 2013, the Prince George’s County Council passed CB 27-2013 which created the Right of First Refusal Program to expand the availability of affordable rental housing in the County. On October 6, 2015, the County Council adopted CR-51-2015 which provided that the ROFR Program shall apply to all areas of Prince George’s County.
The ROFR Program is administered by the Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”) and is detailed in Prince George’s County Code 13-1110 et. seq. (the “Code”). Additionally, the County adopted regulations to implement the ROFR Program.
Among other requirements, the Code provides that a Property Owner that seeks to sell a multifamily rental facility that consists of 20 or more dwelling rental units must provide written notice of the sale to the Director of DHCD after the owner enters into a bona fide contract of sale to sell the multifamily rental facility. DHCD is authorized under the Code to exercise its ROFR rights and purchase the property (or assign its rights to purchase the property to a third-party) in accordance with the timeframes and terms of the Code.
This video will provide a detailed explanation of the ROFR program.
Property Owners and prospective buyers may request that DHCD approve an exception to the County’s ROFR in accordance with Section 13-1114 of the Code. An exception can only be approved by DHCD upon execution of a Written Agreement between DHCD and the prospective buyer. Note: The Written Agreement for an exception must be executed prior to the Property Owner and the prospective buyer entering into a bona fide contract of sale.
The Right of First Refusal Annual Report summarizes the activities of the ROFR program for 2023.
This map reflects the locations of properties preserved as affordable by the County's ROFR program.
The Prince George's County Department of Housing and Community Development has authority pursuant to Sec. 13-1119 of the Prince George's County Code to promulgate and amend, as deemed necessary, regulations to govern the right of first refusal ("ROFR") for Prince George's County, Maryland ("County") to buy multifamily rental facilities as a means of revitalization and to preserve housing opportunities for low- to moderate income households and in the County.
The Department of Housing and Community Development, located at 9200 Basil Court, Largo, MD, 20774 is open to the public by appointment only. All Right of First Refusal (ROFR) offers should be submitted electronically by e-mail to the following staff members: Ms. Karan Stewart, Policy Analyst, KAStewart@co.pg.md.us; Jocelyn Dowtin, Senior Underwriter, JDDowtin@co.pg.m.us; Jane Brice, Senior Underwriter, JBBrice@co.pg.md.us; and Pamela Wilson, Chief, Housing Development Division, PAWilson@co.pg.md.us
For questions, regarding the ROFR process, please contact Mrs. Pamela A. Wilson, Chief, Housing Development Division, at 301-883-5551 or PAWilson@co.pg.md.us