Records Management
The Records Center provides secure storage of County records based on established retention schedules approved by the Maryland State Archivist. The Records Management Program operates under the guidance of Subtitle 2, Division 16, Sections 2-277 through 2-280 of the County Code and Administrative Procedure No. 114.
Through the user of the TRIM Context Management System incoming records are barcoded for inventory tracking and location assignment. The records are maintained in a climate controlled environment designed to provide confidential storage of all files.
The Record Center provides:
- Assistance in the preparation of retention schedules
- Pick up or record boxes from agency/department
- Delivery of record boxes to a secure facility
- Barcoding and Indexing of all boxes
- Retrieval and Delivery of records based upon search request criteria
- Destruction of files thoroughly and confidentially based on agency approved destruction certificated
Each State and County agency is required by a 1953 Act of the General Assembly to "develop a continuing program for the economical and efficient management of its records, including the establishment and/or revision of records retention schedules, in order to ensure prompt and orderly disposal of records not required by the operations of the agency." (State Government Article, Title 10, Section 631-634)