Addendum No. 1 Issued: January 28, 2022 by 4 PM Attached find the Questions/Clarifications Sheet and Official Responses as provided by the Office of Central Services |
1 | I read that we should fill the appendices that are available on the web site. If a form is Not applicable where do we put N/A? | Respondents can “redlined/blacklined” across the top of the form “N/A” or “NA” if they believe it's not applicable or required at this time. |
2 | Our company is a new LLC and I understand that we need to fill Appendix A and G. But when I see other Appendices, Appendices B to H don't look relevant for our company. Do you recommend filling the others? |
Appendix B: Purpose: A Maryland certificate of good standing verifies that a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation was legally formed and has been properly maintained. Appendix H: Due Diligence Following receipt of notification from OCS of its Selection, the selected Respondent shall execute a right of entry agreement with the County to allow the Respondent to begin due diligence tests and studies on the Development Parcel. |
3 | How can we determine that appendices are relevant to our case? Please help if you have lists of the appendices we should include for our case. | Without knowing your specific property (Short or Long-form) or entity structure, please review all forms located in the Appendix section in its entirety. |
4 | We want to make an offer on a property owned by the county. It’s being advertised for sale. My question is, should we submit our own contract or does the county have a form they want us to use. | The Expression of Interest submission shall be on the County’s standard short or long-form on the site under Instruction to Bidders. |
5 | I am interested in partnering with my friends and we are submitting 5 of us for the property mentioned on no 2. Is that possible? and are there any limitations? | Typically, the respondent would be under an corporate or LLC entity name, not five individuals. Any limitations on how you decide to structure your entity should be discussed with your tax provider and financing institution. |
6 | Is there a minimum limit to present bid to the property? For example the opinion of value or tax assessed value for any of the properties? | We encourage highest and best – the appraised value is a good indicator of the fair market value. However, the exact amount you choose to bid is up to you. |
7 | Is the appraised value in the Invitation to Bid the minimum price that any interested bidder must bid? | Whenever the County determines that any real property owned by Prince George's County is no longer required for government purposes and that it is in the public interest to do so, the County may dispose of the property in full or part consideration for land or at fair market value. The County reserves the right to take into consideration whether the price offered is equal to or greater than the Fair Market Value as determined by the County’s third-party appraisal. |
8 | If the only bid for a property comes in below the appraised value in the ITB, will the County accept that bid? | As declared in the County resolution, property deemed surplus shall only be disposed of if a reasonable return to the county can be achieved. For the purposes of this section, “reasonable return” shall be construed to mean payment county of a sum equal to no less than the current market value of the property; provided, however, where the county finds that the best interests of the county would be served by the sale of such property for less than current fair market value, then the county may declare the particular county interest to be served thereby. |
9 | Is Prince George’s County selling these properties on their own without the assistance of a Maryland Broker? | Generally, the County shall represent itself in real estate transactions. |
10 | Are there are any additional qualifications necessary for being approved to purchase land? | The award shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Invitation to Bid. The award shall be made to the most responsive and responsible bidder. |
11 | Is being a member of that list still requisite for this 2022 Grand slam? | A 2022 Grand Slam participation creates no obligation and is not a prerequisite for submitting a response, however, it is necessary to ensure receipt of any ITB amendments or other notices and communications relating to this ITB. |
12 | In addition is PG county planning to release another application to become a large acre or small acre developer in 2022? | The various County agencies provide our stakeholders with real-time updates on the status of real estate project opportunities located across Prince George's County. Follow the various Agencies' Request for Proposals' web page to review recent solicitations and real estate development-related notices. |
13 | Regarding Map 1-C (Elmshorn Way parcels) - Are there any additional county approval available in addition to record plat? | All land in Prince George's County is zoned, and the type and density of potential development is regulated by the terms of the various zoning categories. Before a land owner or developer can actually begin construction on his property, however, he generally must obtain approval of a plan of subdivision, and record plats in compliance with Subdivision Regulations (Subtitle 24 of the County Code). |
14 | Regarding Map 1-C (Elmshorn Way parcels) - Is there an existing dirt stockpile on the property buildup during the grading of section 1. If so, what is the condition of the stockpile? | As stated in the ITB, Site Condition As-Is Condition The Development Parcel shall be conveyed in “as-is” condition, without representation or warranty by the County as to physical or environmental condition of the land or any existing structures. Soil or Subsurface Conditions The County makes no representations regarding the character or extent of soil or subsurface conditions or the conditions and existence of utilities that may be encountered during the course of any work, development, or construction upon, or occupancy of, the Development Parcel. Environmental Remediation The selected Respondent shall be responsible at its sole cost and liability for any environmental remediation that may be associated with removal or disturbance of existing conditions during due diligence performed by Respondent, or any other activity undertaken or performed by Respondent on the Development Parcel |
15 | Do the offered sites come with soil studies? | The Property is being offered and shall be sold “as-is”, “where is” and “with all faults” and Prince George's County shall make no warranties or representations, expressed or implied. |
16 | If my bid is not awarded, do I get my deposit back? | Yes - all deposits will be immediately returned to unsuccessful bidders. |
17 | If multiple bids are received, will I be informed for an opportunity to counter? | In the event that we receive multiple bids for a property, we will inform all bidders of the highest bid amount received, and allow bidders the opportunity to submit a counter bid. OCS may, in its sole discretion, identify a short list of Respondents. OCS has the sole and absolute discretion to conduct discussions with all, or some, of the Respondents on the short list via best and final offer (“BAFO”) submissions. Once received, we will notify all bidders of the awarded amount, and return any unsuccessful bidder deposits. |
18 | Once I am under contract to purchase a property, will I need to hire a settlement company? | Yes - we encourage all parties under contract to complete their due diligence on the awarded site during the contract feasibility period, including title searches. We dispose of all surplus property via Quit Claim Deed with no guarantees or warranties. We also require purchasers to utilize a Maryland-licensed settlement company to conduct settlement and prepare closing documents. The purchaser will be responsible for this cost. |
19 | How are closing costs on property purchase shared? | Buyer assumes all closing costs in connection with the purchase of County surplus property. |