The Men's Challenge Initiative: Fall Edition Nov. 12
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The Department of Family Services is excited to host its Fall Edition of the Men’s Challenge Initiative — Living Together Without Violence a series of virtual group discussions that seek to influence men and boys through conversations about developing healthy relationships. Each session features dynamic presenters who focus on a wide range of topics.
The next virtual session will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Mr. Donny Williams from Serving Together will be sharing information on How Serving Together Holistically Helps Veterans and Their Families. Serving Together connects active-duty service members, veterans, and their families to resources across Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia. They help people on a host of topics, from benefits navigation to mental and physical health, to housing and employment, utilities and transportation, clothing, and household goods, and much more. We Look forward to Seeing you Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. on ZOOM!
Click here to join the meeting
Feel free to share the flyer with friends and colleagues so they can be a part of the discussion. For more information, contact Mr. Elio Wade at 301-265-8423 or EMWade@co.pg.md.us.