Heat Warning in Effect

County urges caution during this severe weather event. Visit mypgc.us/StayCool for more info.

Trash Time Change

Due to extreme heat, trash collection throughout the county will begin at 5 am beginning Monday, July 15, 2024. Learn more at mypgc.us/ClearTheCurb.

Electronic Waste Curbside Collection

Electronic Waste Curbside Collection 

1. Do I need to schedule an appointment for curbside collection or is there another option for recycling old electronics (e-cycling)? 

Yes, curbside pick-up of old electronics must be scheduled via PGC311.  You also have the option of dropping off electronics at the County’s facility – for more information, please check the County’s website.  The County’s Department of the Environment, Resource Recovery Division, also holds special community collection events.  Please check the County’s website for event dates, times, and locations.  Also, some stores that sell electronics have free take-back programs.

2.  Are the electronics recycled? 

Yes, electronics collected are recycled and is considered a best management practice – keeping resources out of the landfill.

3.  What types of materials / items are considered “electronics”? 

Examples of acceptable items are available in Knowledge Articles under "Waste Done Right." This includes computer equipment, printers, copiers, fax machines and flat screen televisions when deciding if items are considered electronics for recycling. 

4.  Are microwave ovens, toasters, blenders – i.e. small kitchen appliances considered electronics? 

No.  Appliances are not considered electronics or “e-cycling.”

5.  Who is responsible for picking up electronics once an appointment has been scheduled? 

Your regular trash/recycling/compost hauler for your area will be servicing the scheduled electronics (e-cycling) requests.

6. Will there be a separate collection truck for electronics recycling collection?

Yes, there will be a separate collection truck for electronics collection. In no case should a hauler ever place the scheduled electronics materials mixed in with compost or any other collection truck. 

7.  What do I do if I see the hauler’s crew placing electronics in with the compost collections? 

Haulers’ crews should never mixed electronics in with compost collections.  Incidences of mixing materials into the same collection truck should be reported to PGC311.

8.  Can I get on-premise (front door/back door) collection of electronics?


No.  This service type is only curbside collection.