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Flooding Water Run-Off Issues

Flooding and Water Run Off Issues




1. I understand that March is Flood Awareness Month, tell me more.

For more information about Flood Awareness Month, please find it HERE.

2. What is a floodplain?

A floodplain is a low, flat land along a stream or river that may flood. It could also be covered by floodwaters. A floodplain is an important part of the stream system. It provides storage capacity for high flows, helps reduce the erosive power of the stream during a flood, reduces the discharge of sediment during high flow periods, and helps flood waters to move downstream. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has delineated the 100-year floodplain to depict the low-lying areas centered around streams that may flood during a 100-year rain event. It is the policy of Prince George’s County Government to preserve the 100-year floodplain as part of natural system of a stream.

For more information about floodplains or for information about flood insurance, please visit Flood Management

3. Where can I find information on flood insurance?

Information about flood insurance can be found HERE

4. Is there a county code pertaining to sump pump discharge?

Yes, please see Sec. 4-191. – Soils and Foundations: Section 1805, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. (a) Section 1805.4.3.4, Sump Pumps and Pits.

“Where subsoil drains do not discharge by gravity, the drains shall discharge to an accessible sump pit with an automatic electric pump. A battery back-up or water-powered back-up sump pump will also be provided. Sump pit shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches in diameter, or eighteen (18) inches square and twenty-four (24) inches in depth and be provided with a fitted cover. The sump pump shall have adequate capacity to discharge all water coming into the sump as it accumulates, but in no case shall the capacity of the pump be less than fifteen (15) gallons per minute. The discharge from the pump shall be a minimum of one and one-fourth (1) inches and shall have a union in the discharge piping to make the pump accessible for servicing. Subsoil drains and sump pump discharge may discharge to a properly graded open area provided the point of discharge is ten (10) feet from any property line or Building Restriction Line (BRL). Where a continuously flowing spring or high groundwater table is encountered during the design stage, basement floors shall be designed at least two and one-half (2.5) feet above the groundwater's highest detected level. Alternatively, pre-approved methods of permanent dewatering shall be provided, and groundwater level shall be verified again before construction. If such condition is encountered after construction, and subsoil drains are pre-approved by the County, these drains must be piped to a storm drain or approved outfall where they shall be fitted with an accessible backwater valve. Residential sump pumps are not to be relied on for lowering high groundwater table.”

5. How do I report discharge from a neighbor’s sump pump onto the sidewalk or roadway?

Please click HERE to enter a service request by selecting “Flooding/Water Run-off Issue” and an inspector will investigate.