Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP is the largest federal nutrition assistance program in the nation. It helps low-income households buy the food they need for good health. Applicants must file an application and meet all financial and technical eligibility factors prior to the issuance of benefits.

Eat Right & Stay Healthy

 You may be eligible to receive SNAP if you:

  • Are unemployed, work part-time, or earn low wages
  • Receive public assistance payments
  • Are elderly or disabled 
  • Are homeless

The amount of SNAP you are eligible for is based upon the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Thrifty Food Plan. The Thrifty Food Plan is an estimate of how much it costs to buy food to prepare nutritious, low-cost meals for your household. This estimate is changed every year to keep pace with food prices. 

In the SNAP Program, a household is normally a group of people who live together, buy food and prepare meals together. If your household passes the program's eligibility tests, the amount of food purchasing assistance you receive will depend on the number of people in your household and on how much monthly income is left after certain expenses (deductions) are subtracted.

More Information

The income eligibility guideline requirements can be viewed at the USDA

To find out if you qualify for this program, you may apply on line via MyMDTHINK or visit one of the local offices. 

For information about how to maximize your Food Supplement Program assistance funds, read Eat Right When Money's Tight (PDF).

Interpretation Services

Interpretation Services are available free of charge for limited English proficiency customers. Please contact one of the Local Offices for assistance.