About DSS
Our Mission
The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services is in the business of providing opportunities for residents of the County to become independent, responsible and stable members of the community. We do this by providing intervention services that strengthen families, protect children and vulnerable adults, encourage self-sufficiency and promote personal responsibility.
Our Vision
The Prince George's County Department of Social Services will be a leader in social services, working to significantly improve the lives of citizens of this County. We will achieve this by building community capacity, identifying gaps in service, developing community-based solutions, and building a collaborative and competitive network of providers that includes DSS. We will hold our partners and ourselves accountable.
We assist our customers through such programs as; Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Supplement Program, Medical Assistance, Emergency Assistance, and Foster Care and Adoption Service.
Learn More
Visit our Contact Us page for important phone numbers to find other services and programs for County residents. It is our goal to provide you with optimal customer service. We hope that your telephone call or visit to one of our offices is pleasant. If you have additional questions or you need further assistance, please contact the Office of Constituent Services at 301-909-7025 or send us an email.